<![CDATA[Tutorials & Guides Latest Topics]]>https://www.xboxchaos.com/forum/79-tutorials-guides/enA Beginner's Guide to Assembly Tagshttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5535-a-beginners-guide-to-assembly-tags/ So i made this a short list of things any user of Assembly can change without much in-depth knowledge of Blamscript /Forceloading /Injection.

I will update this in the future whenever possible

I]airs - airstrike

1.>Initial Shot Delay - 0.1
2.>Time Armed - 
3.>Recharge Time (seconds) - 0.1
4.>Delay Between Shots - 0.3
5.>Total Shots Fired - 16

II]bipd - biped
1.>Go to Change Color ->Initial Permutations ->Color Lower Bound
                  ->Color Upper Bound
Melee Attack is Fatal
Can Dual Wield
3.>Dialogue Variants    ->Grenade Velocity
        ->Grenade Type
        ->Grenade Count
4.>Weapons ->Weapon
Immune to Falling Damage
Spawn Death Children on Destroy
Jump Velocity
Climb any Surface
7.>Contact Points
Death Spawn Character
Death Spawn Count
III]char - character
1.>General Properties
Flags    -> Dual Wields
    ->Cannot Swap Weapons With Player
    ->Revive on Death
2.>Weapons ->Weapon
3.>Vitality Properties
Vitality Flags ->Can Revive on Death
Normal Body Vitality
Normal Shield Vitality
Legendary Body Vitality
Legendary Shield Vitality
Extended Shield Damage Threshold
Extended Body Damage Threshold
Backup Weapon
4.>Charge Properties
Melee Consider Range
Melee Chance
Melee Attack Range
Melee Abort Range
Melee Attack Timeout
Melee Attack Delay Timer
Berserk Weapon
5.>Evasion Properties
6>Cover Properties
7.>Grenade Properties
8.>Equipment Properties ->Equipment
             ->Usage Chance
IV]chgd - chud_globals_definition
1.>Global Dynamic Colors
V]eqip - equipment
Does Not Cause Collision Damaga
2.>Change Color ->Initial Permutations    ->Color Lower Bound
                ->Color Upper Bound
VI]hlmt - model[Can be used to make NPCs /Allies,Enemies,Vehicles have Invinciblity along with Increased Health & Vitality]
1.>Go to Omaha Damage Info ->Check the Flag that says "Cannot Die From Damage" to get Invincibility for UNSC Marines /Army Troopers and in order to get
Undamaged and Indestructible Vehicles go to Base Vitality and change the numerical value to 1E+38,Vitality Percentage to 1E+38 and if needed change Health Levels to 1E+38.
2.>Omaha Targets    ->Lock-On Distance
3.>Nodes ->Flags    ->Active Camo Always On
        ->Active Camo Always Merge
        ->Active Camo Never Merge
4.>To change the Warthog's Default Back go to warthog.hlmt->Child Object and change it to any other warthog variants such as Gauss Warthog,Rocket Warthog,
Troop Transport Warthog,etc.
[Note :This changes all spawning Warthogs's back on a map to the one you select.
However this may not always work as some variants may be in the .map file but not loaded on the map and may require Forceloading(Using this can crash the game so do some extra information gathering on how to spawn such objects).]
5.>Omaha Instant Responses
Damage Threshold
VII]jpt! - damage effect
Does Not Hurt Owner
Can Cause Headshots
Does Not Hurt Friends
Detonates Explosives
Causes Flaming Death
Does Not Hurt Player
VIII]matg - globals
1.>AI Globals
2.>Player Control
3.>Player Trait Defaults ->Shields and Health
          ->Weapons and Damage
4.>Player Information
IX]proj - projectile
Does Not Cause Collision Damage
2.>Projectile ->Flags
AI Must Use Ballistic Aiming
Detonation Max Time If Attached
Has Super Combining Explosion
Damage Scales Based On Distance
Travels Instantaneously
Can Track Behind Itself
Faster When Owned By Player
Collision Radius
Danger Radius
Timer min
Timer Max
Maximum Range
Detonation Damage
Impact Damage
Air Damage Range max
Water Damage max
Acceleration Range max
X]scen - scenery
1.>Change Color ->Initial Permutations    ->Color Lower Bound
                ->Color Upper Bound
XI]scnr - scenario
1.>Vehicle Palette
2.>Equipment Palette
3.>Weapon Palette
4.>Player Starting Profile    ->Primary Weapon
            ->Rounds Loaded
            ->Rounds Total
            ->Secondary Weapon
            ->Rounds Loaded
            ->Rounds Total
            ->Starting Frag Grenade Count
            ->Starting Plasma Grenade Count
a}To change the number of Allies /Enemies NPCs Spawning in a map go to the specific Trooper Squad A->Count and change its value.
b}To change the weapon of Allies /Enemies NPCs go to Single Locations of a Squad Entry /Desired Index selected and change the Initial Primary Weapon Value to a weapon of choice[Use the Weapon Palette to get the number of that Weapon] and if needed change the Initial Secondary Weapon to get a Trooper with his Secondary Weapon on their back. [Note: Look for Name - trooper/1_warthog/crew]
c}Grenade Type
Flags ->Dynamic Firefight Squad
6.>Squad A
Secondary Weapons
Vehicle Variant
7.>Squad B
8.>Character Palette
9.>Script Expressions
How to Get Unlimited Airstrikes on ONI: Sword Base [Third level of Halo: Reach]
Go to the Scnr->Script Expressions :-
Change the Values of Value 03,02,01,00 to 127 for all 4 of these expressions.
XII]sqtm - squad_template
1.>Squad    ->Difficulty ->Easy
2.>Actors ->Character
3.>Weapons ->Weapon
4.>Secondary Weapons
Vehicle Variant
XIII]vehi - vehicle
Does Not Cause Collision Damage
2.>Collision Damage
3.>Unit    ->Melee Attackers Cannot Reach
    ->Not Instantly Killed By Melee
    ->Unit Has Boost
Detached Weapon
XIV]weap - weapon
2.>Melee Damage
Weapon Aim Assist
3.>Target Tracking
Rounds Total Initial    [32767]
Rounds Total Maximum
Rounds Total Loaded Maximum
Maximum Rounds Held
Rounds Reloaded
5.>New Triggers
Charging Time    [Note:For the Mark 2488 Onager Set it to 0.1]
Flags    ->Tracks Fired Projectile
    ->Can Fire With Partial Ammo
    ->Fires Locked Projectiles
a)Rounds Per Second min
b)Rounds Per Second max
c)Shots Per Fire min
d)Shots Per Fire max
e)Fire Recovery Time    [For Mark 2488 Onager ->0.5,For Rocket Warthog ->0.1]
f)Soft Recovery Fraction
g)Rounds Per Shot
h)Barrel Spin Rate
i)Rounds between Tracers
Projectile ->Projectiles Per Shot
7.>Initial Projectile ->Change the Projectile of a weapon to another weapon,spawn an object like a weapon,vehicle,biped [NPCs] in the map.
Firing Effect Deceleration Time
Rate Of Fire Acceleration Time
Rate Of Fire Deceleration Time
Bloom Rate of Decay
XV]wezr - game_engine_settings_definition
1.>Trait Profiles
2.>Shields and Health
3.>Weapons and Damage
Jump Height
7.>AI Trait Profiles
8.>General Settings
9.>Respawn Settings
10.>Map Overrides
12.>Survival Variants
General Settings
Respawn Settings
Social Settings
Map Overrides
Loadout Pallete
13.>Scenario Flags
Elite Respawn Settings
Unknown Skulls

5535Fri, 24 Jan 2020 06:31:12 +0000
Scaling stuffhttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5794-scaling-stuff/ How come i can't make the "special fx" bigger so that you can see it?


Any other ideas on how to make it so you can see them in custom games is welcome.



5794Fri, 28 Jan 2022 00:46:01 +0000
Changing weapon appearances =https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5595-changing-weapon-appearances/ How do you change the colour and shape of a weapon or vehicle? I have figured out how to do this on a biped however that method doesn't appear to work on weapons and vehicles.

5595Wed, 20 Jan 2021 22:26:00 +0000
Halo Reach Change Music In Mapshttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5562-halo-reach-change-music-in-maps/ I am trying to add custom music to the Forge World Map. I haven't found any in depth tutorials out there and need help. It would be much appreciated!

5562Tue, 12 May 2020 15:41:24 +0000
need some help changing AI/character headshttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5549-need-some-help-changing-aicharacter-heads/ namely, Noble Team spartans' heads in cutscenes, any help with that would be greatly appreciated (for the most part, I am only going to change heads to grunt heads, so that might help a bit. this is also in the OG halo reach, not MCC, so that could clear things up too.)

5549Wed, 18 Mar 2020 20:05:41 +0000
Installation 04 pelican helphttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5543-installation-04-pelican-help/ So I'm looking for a way to make the pelican that spawns at the end of every round to spawn let's say spawn at the end of every couple of waves or so. 
also, I'm looking for a way too add more odst that spawn out the back of the pelican I have tried to change the count in the scnr tag but it always spawn only one in the gunner seat even when I tried to make it spawn outside the warthog the odst seems to always spawn in the gunner seat.  the picture I provided probably has something to do with the problem im having but im unsure what all the code means. any help would be much a appreciated. 


5543Mon, 24 Feb 2020 22:25:25 +0000
Repainting Weapons etc.https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/4852-repainting-weapons-etc/ Programs I will be using:

  • Paint.net
  • DXTBmp
  • Zmodeller2 (not necessary)

examples of what can be dene with this: https://www.xboxchaos.com/blog/70/entry-177-the-gamenight-mod/

Step 1:

After choosing the weapon(s) you wish to repaint, you must extract the corresponding “_diffuse” bitmap as a “.dds”. This is the primary bitmap and holds the colour and the detail.

For this tutorial, I will be reskinning a sniper rifle and a shotgun to show different techniques and one of the things that cannot be done on most bitmaps.


Step 2:

Open the weapon dds with DXTBmp. You should see something like this:

The first time you open this you will need to press the button under the alpha image (should be an ms paint logo) to select paint.net as your image editor. (Other programs will work, but the tutorial will be using paint.net).

When the editor is set as paint.net, double-click the main image, which will be loaded into paint.net.

You will want the “tools”, “layers” and “colors” boxes open while editing. From here I will show you how to do different things, for example making a rust effect, and provide useful links at the end.



To save what you have done you can simply hit save in paint.net. Then go back to DXTBmp and (on the top toolbar) go to image – Reload after edit. Then (in DXTBmp) save as targa with alpha. If you have used layers in paint.net, you will need to “flatten” the image first. DO NOT close paint.net if you think you may tweak your image later. To preview a bitmap I prefer to use Stu’s tutorial (link below), although I personally use Zmodeler2.


Painting colors:

Say, for example, you want a sniper rifle with a red front barrel. It will be easy to just paint over it, but in doing that you WILL lose the detail.

Create a new layer above the background and set the mode to “multiply”


Now you can paint on the barrel (or any other part) and retain the detail from the diffuse map.


On the model:


You can also use the Xbox Chaos background instead of plain colours:


Adding logos:

Most of the time, this should be avoided, as the textures are mapped so that they are symmetrical, the logo will always be backwards on one side. One of the few exceptions to this is one part of the sniper rifle:


This can have logos on it that work correctly, but most of the time asymmetrical logos should be avoided.



Adding rust/weathering:

Rust can add a nice effect to a weapon that is meant to look old and damaged and can be created with relative ease.

First you need to select the colours you want in the rust, I generally use a brown (hex: 7F3300, Opacity: 255) and a clear (Hex: any, Opacity: 0)

Then you want to go to effects > render > clouds.


These are the kind of settings I usually use (note that I have used a multiply layer for the effect). If you have used a separate layer then the blend mode is unnecessary. The reseed just changes where the main spots are. Selecting an area before selecting the effect will only affect that area.

This is a very rough version and not isolated to any specific area properly:


Change the colours to get an effect that you like.



This is a rust mask I made a while back, so here it is in .png format for you to use freely. This was generated by multiple layers of the rust effect I just showed you.


Extra advice:

  • Inject into a donor map, and then your mod, to save on space.
  • Apply using the _rubber shaders to avoid the alpha making them shinier than most mirrors


Useful links:

DXTBmp homepage: http://www.mwgfx.co.uk/programs/dxtbmp.htm

Paint.net homepage: http://www.getpaint.net/index.html

Stu’s bitmap preview tut: http://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/4788-previewing-retextured-bitmaps-before-bitmap-injection/

4852Thu, 03 Sep 2015 09:48:44 +0000
Help me remove shield barhttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5513-help-me-remove-shield-bar/ When i change the biped to a marine/grunt/jackal the shield bar glows red and shows warning, i want to remove it and only the health bar to remain can someone help me or point me to the right direction please.

5513Sun, 22 Dec 2019 13:46:51 +0000
Help how to delay grenade throwhttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5517-help-how-to-delay-grenade-throw/ Hy, i want to make a mod where you play as a marine the only thing i can't get right is the grenade throw,when i press the button to throw the grenade,the grenade is thrown and then the animation plays,i was wondering if there is a way i can delay the grenade throw so it will sync with the marine third person animation

5517Tue, 24 Dec 2019 19:59:20 +0000
How to make equipment not pickablehttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5514-how-to-make-equipment-not-pickable/ Can someone please tell me how to make equipment like sprint/armor lock/evade not pickable.

Found out you must go to eqip tag and check a box "cannot be equiped"

5514Sun, 22 Dec 2019 15:21:51 +0000
Campaign AI Weapon moddinghttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5507-campaign-ai-weapon-modding/ Hola qué tal gente de XboxChaos, here's Maydelcore with a new tutorial on how to replace the weapons certain AI enemies/allies are holding in campaign mode.

This applies to both Halo 3 and Reach, so there are no differences at all. However, this is meant to be done for the RGH/JTAG version so I'm not sure if this would work on PC. Although it should in reality.

There might be simplier ways to do this but this is the way I've succesfully replaced some AI's weapons. Two methods I know work perfectly.

Take in mind this is not for the AI Spawns as it is a completely different process. This is meant to modify enemies spawned via squads.

I know there might be tutorials that talk about this, but as far as I've seen none of them sets this part clear.

Let's get to it:

Things required:

  • Assembly.
  • .MAP file you want to mod.
  • Adjutant (optional).
  • Notepad (optional).
  • Lots of patience.

=Method 1 (Halo 3)=

1. Open Assembly and open up the campaign map you desire. Mine will be 100_citadel.map (The Covenant) from Halo 3.

2. On the tag search bar look for [scnr] or scenario tag and open it.



Tut 1.png

3. Once opened, you'll have to take in mind three specific blocks, but only one of them will be modified. These blocks are Character Palette, Weapons Palette and Squads. You can look for them in the Search bar inside the tag tab.


Character Palette



Tut 2.png


Weapon Palette



Tut 3.png





Tut 4.png



The Character and Weapon Palettes are to know which IDs correspond to which AI characters or weapons. In The Covenant's case, there are 21 IDs for weapons and 33 for characters (all start from 0).

4. So now I want all Elite AI to spawn with Fuel Rod Guns right when they first appear (out of the Phantoms). What I have to do is find the correct squad and modify the weapon ID so it matches the Fuel Rod Gun. Now, all Halo games have high amounts of squads for each level, and this level's case is 250 squads. While it can be tough to find the correct one, once you get it it won't be too much problem. It helps to take a look on the character ID shown on "Character Type" under the Base Squad block under "Squads" block (Elite's case is 19).

(Note: Adjutant can come to help here to find the locations of the squads)

5. Once I've found the correct squad, now I have to check on the weapon palette. As the Elites on those two Phantoms of the third tower all spawn with Plasma Rifles, all I need to modify is the "Initial Primary Weapon". Plasma Rifle's ID is 6, and the Fuel Rod's is 14, so I just have to switch them. As an extra, the "Initial Secondary Weapon" bit obviously gives them a secondary weapon, though somewhat useless for them to use.



Tut 5.png



As there are actually many squads that feature Elites in this level, but most are useless, I just modified all Elite squads that had the Plasma Rifle as a weapon as there are some that appear weaponless.

(Note: In that pic I placed the wrong number on the Primary Weapon, and this obviously makes them spawn with a different weapon).

6. Once you're done with this, hit "Save", then play the mission until you get the desired moment. If the AI spawned correctly with the weapons you made them spawn with, then you're done.

You can do this for nearly any AI in the game. Although there might be some trouble with weapons that don't exist on certain zonesets, so you might need to do other stuff I'm not well informed.

On my first test, I gave the Elites the Energy Sword. However, due to the sword not being loaded in that area outside of the third tower, all Elites spawned weaponless. I thought the sword appeared in the whole level all along, but I guess I was wrong.

For this method, if you place two dual wieldable weapons in the Initial Weapon bits and the character is able to dual wield, then the character will spawn dual wielding both weapons. Although so far this only happens to Elites and Spartans on Halo 3. Haven't tried this dual wield thing for Reach, but I guess it works the same way.


=Method 2 (Reach)=

Follow the same first steps and the same blocks. However, Reach functions differently on it's squads' coding and there are three new blocks specifically for the characters and the weapons the AI uses.

The blocks it uses are "Squad A", "Actors" and "Weapons", all of them under the "Squads" block.

They look like this:


Tut 7.png


Tut 8.png

Following the steps 3-5, just replace the correct values in the corresponding block.

Remember all maps have different IDs for any AI and weapon, so always check the "Character Palette" and "Weapon Palette"

In this map's case (m10), the character ID 12 is for "marine" (Army Trooper), and the weapon ID 4 is for the Magnum. If you play with the numbers shown on the palette, then many results can come.

This should affect Firefight maps as well. And due to all weapons being available for those maps, no zoneset stuff needs to be made.


=Method 3 (not perfect, applies to both)=

1. Open the [scnr] tag and go to the "Weapon Palette".

2. Just replace the weapon AI normally uses with the one you desire.



Tut 6.png


As a note, when doing this one you're forcing that weapon to be replaced by another anywhere it is supposed to spawn. Anywhere means anywhere, even if they are set to spawn on the floor.

If a certain AI character cannot wield that weapon, there is a chance for it to spawn weaponless, though some enemies such as Brutes and Elites are actually able to wield almost any weapon.

Again, if the weapon you desire isn't loaded in a zoneset, it will just not appear there. In Halo 3 this normally happens to the Energy Sword and the Rocket Launcher, but most other weapons seem fine.

Hope this tutorial is useful.

As always, any doubt or bug you come to notice you can always post it here and I'll try to check it out.

One last thing: If you place any number that doesn't link to any character or weapon, then nothing will spawn and can make the AI weaponless. This is why some squads appear with their "Initial Primary Weapon" bit with a "-1", meaning they're not supposed to carry a weapon.

5507Wed, 18 Dec 2019 05:47:43 +0000
Controlling/Ride able Bipedshttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5481-controllingride-able-bipeds/ Hi there I'm trying to make spawned bipeds in campaign rideable. I've looked over some old tutorials from halo 3 and etc, and have created a seat block and changed the seat animation along with all the corresponding strings to simulate that of a warthog. I also edited the camera tack to be biped_follow_camera. Not sure if im missing something, or if somethings different with how its done in reach any help would be appreciated

5481Sat, 07 Dec 2019 21:57:13 +0000
How To Edit Idle Animationshttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/1940-how-to-edit-idle-animations/Requirements:

  • Jtag or Dev Kit
  • Ascension
  • Halo: Reach installed to USB or HDD
  • A decent stringid list. Download
  • A mapped out jmad plugin. Download


1: Open a .map file in ascension and open the jmad tag of the bipd you want to edit. In this tutorial, I chose the Elite.

2: Scroll down to the "Animation Calls" struct. Now your screen should look like this:


3: In Halo: Reach, shoot or place the bipd you´ve chosen. By default an Elite clone looks like this:


4: So now that that´s done, we can analyse the state of our bipd. The state is needed to find the correct idle animation inside the jmad tag. In my case the Elite is standing and isn´t driving. Bungie named this state "combat". Since the animation calls struct already is set to "combat", we can leave it like that:


5: Furthermore the Elite is holding a needle rifle, which belongs to the "rifle" weapon category. So let´s set the "Object (Weapon)" struct to 5-11 "rifle":


6:In theory, we now could choose a specific rifle in the "Class" struct, but I want to keep this tutorial simple. Thus I´ll keep the classes untouched:



7: Good job! You´re prepared to start modding. First take a look at the "Full Animations". Every chunk stands for a different animation.

Chunk 0 triggers the idle animation. It is the most important one. But we want a new idle animation, so we´ll set the name to 0.


8: In Halo: Place or shoot a new bipd. The new should look like this:


9: Now the time has come to choose the new idle animation. Scroll through the different chunks until you find one which has an interesting name. I took the teabag animation from my video. It is called "land_hard" and is stored in chunk 12. When you´ve chosen your new animation, change it´s name to "idle". In forge_halo.map, the string "idle" has the identifier 12:


10: The rest is trial and error. Spawn a new bipd. Usually its animation hasn´t changed. The only way to fix this is to null out the name of the chunk that comes before your new "idle" chunk. Then spawn a new bipd and hope that the stance has changed. If it hasn´t changed, repeat this step for the next chunks, until you notice a difference. For example: My new animation has the chunk 12. Through trial and error, I found out, that I had to null out the chunks 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 and 6:


11: Done!. You now should have a teabagging Elite or something similar:



Chrisco, for his initial research and his tutorial. And, yes... I know that this tutorial is almost the same as his. I just wanted to describe this process a bit more detailed. Chrisco´s tutorial

1940Sun, 20 Nov 2011 18:57:04 +0000
Turning Marines to your team (small guide)https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5466-turning-marines-to-your-team-small-guide/ A Small guide

Simply go into the object\characters\marine\ai\trooper and go to general properties then in the flags box you will see a box called civilian (between bit 13 and 15). Tick it and you are done you're marine is on your side. Note this only works on marines not civilians or Spartans. The marines will fight enemy ai including civilians.

Anyone want to help me make them board a warthog?

5466Mon, 30 Sep 2019 02:26:38 +0000
How To Make A Motorcyclehttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/1014-how-to-make-a-motorcycle/Aight so first you need Ascension and a Jtag or Devkit. Then go find the plugins posted here and download them.. Now open Ascension and go to the MODE tag. And find the mongoose. If you have This (not trying to advertise but I dont think its posted on here. Only in HOnors Forum anyways.) build then it will be the EncryptedTag2831 if your using Nickas version from 7s then it should be 77(Im unsuure about that though) Then look for NODES. When doing this change the X,Y,Z CENTERS. Not X,Y,Z. the Chunk is the little drop down with a number at the top of NODES. Now lets start.

Go to Chunk 7

X Center -- -0.0791884

Y Center -- 0.2

Z Center -- -0.2096452

Go to Chunk 8

X Center -- -0.07918847

Y Cneter -- -0.2

Z Center -- -0.2096452

Go to Chunk 9

X Center -- 0.26401

Y Center -- 0.3

Z Center -- -0.2212102

Go to Chunk 10

X Center -- 0.2640099

Y Center -- -0.3

Z Center -- -0.2212102

Skip 11 & 12

Go to Chunk 13

X Center -- 0.3864517

Y Center -- 0.428

Z Center -- -0.1400001

Go to Chunk 14

X Center -- 9999

Y Center -- 9999

Z Center -- 9999

Go to Chunk 15

X Center -- -0.2849997

Y Center -- -0.3

Z Center -- -0.14

Go to Chunk 16

X Center -- -0.2849999

Y Center -- 0.3

Z Center -- -0.1400001

Go to Chunk 17

X Center -- -0.2849986

Y Center -- -0.43

Z Center -- -0.14

Go to Chunk 18

X Center -- 9999

Y Center -- 9999

Z Center -- 9999

Now Scroll down to Bounding Box and change these

Y(min) -- -0.23

Y(max) -- 0.23

Credit for the Co-Ords go to me.

1014Thu, 04 Nov 2010 21:45:55 +0000
How to add Spartan AI to firefight?https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5407-how-to-add-spartan-ai-to-firefight/ Hello! I was messing around on Gamecheat13's Fireteam Support map and I was wondering how to do this with other maps?

5407Tue, 16 Apr 2019 02:42:36 +0000
realtime moddinghttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5348-realtime-modding/ can someone tell me how to mod halo 3 or reach in realtime?

5348Sun, 30 Dec 2018 17:09:35 +0000
Halo Reach Trick - Spawning BOB 28https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/4530-halo-reach-trick-spawning-bob-28/Hello everyone. Today, we show you how to spawn an AI that has never been spawned before in Halo: Reach. We don't even think the developers have spawned this Elite before. The reason why BOB 28 has never been spawned before is because his spawn triggers before the area in which he spawns in, is loaded, causing him to die in solid space, leaving no trace of his body. Lord Friendship posted a BOB kill guide showing how to kill each and every BOB Elite on every difficulty. The only one that was missing was BOB 28. We are proud to show you guys how to spawn him, as was never thought to be possible. That's not the only interesting thing about this Elite. BOB 28's code is messed up so that he rarely disappears, allowing him to stay on the map as long as possible. This was found by accident as well, we had no intention on spawning him, but we had knowledge of him prior to the discovery.
Without further ado, we hope you enjoy. Good luck on your hunt.


4530Wed, 01 Oct 2014 19:10:56 +0000
[SCNR] Squadshttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5037-scnr-squads/ Needed Items:

Xbox that can run unsigned/dev signed code

   - XDK/RGH/Jtag

Single player map

 - Used for extracting needed tags

Resource files:

 - Mainmenu.map

- Campaign.map

- Shared.map

Invisibles turned on in Assembly


This can be done in Halo 3, but due to the engine differences somethings maybe a bit different. But, if you can figure this out in Halo Reach it wont be hard for you to figure it out in Halo 3.

Step 1) Setting up resource files in Assembly


9.1. Setting Up Assembly

If you only just obtained Then upon running the application, head to Tools>Settings and I'll walk you through them, though most is preference.


General tab: All of this is preference, but make sure "Check For Updates At Startup" is checked. More info on Automatic Updates and Udate Channel can be found here: http://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/4639-introducing-the-new-assembly-auto-updater/


Xbox 360 Development tab: Here is where you will enter the name or IP of the console you have added to Xbox Neighborhood. You can also change screenshot-related settings.


Map Editor tab: The xsd.exe path is not necessary for anything, but adding it will allow you to use the "Decompile" button in pixel/vertex shader tags and look at the code for oohs and ahhs.


Then at the bottom you have this:



The descriptions are self-explanatory, but these need to be filled in before you can extract most things. Choose a game from the dropdown and paste in the path to your maps folder which contains a clean/matching campaign.map, mainmenu.map, and or shared.map. This will allow Assembly to visit the shared asset to extract it. After pasting, select a different game or continue playing with settings.


Start Page tab: nothing important to note. Allows you to show/hide certain filetypes in the start page.


Step 2) Needed tags

*If you did a conversion map (single player to multiplayer) or campaign in general there is obviously no need to inject a [char], unless that [char] doesn't existence on the map (if you need to extract a [char] because it doesn't existence you can save space if you go through the [char] tag and all it's tagrefs and null weaps/vehis that aren't in your map. When you are complete and go to see your AI in game, and the AI aren't there in game or because you freeze this is probably because that zoneset hasn't been loaded yet. To fix this, you'll need to load designer zonesets you can look HERE on how to do that (recommend just loading them all)*

If you are doing this in a Multiplayer map, you'll need to extract the tag. Go to [char] in a single player map, locate the [char] you want and right click on the tag and hit "Extract With Raw" allow Assembly to extract. Again, you can save space if you go through the tags and all it's tagrefs and null weaps/vehis that aren't in your map.

Open your target map and inject the tag if needed.

Allow Assembly to inject.

Step 3) Setting up a Basic Squad

This tutorial is only showing you single location squads, if you spend more time in the squads you can figure out more things. This is just a basic squad setup to get you started.  I'll be using forge_world so my squads block isn't expanded. If you have a campaign map just add a new chunk to the block using the tag reallocater (the plus sign next to the block). You can do some fun stuff with this.

First go to [scnr] in your target map and do a search for "Squads" once you found it use the tag reallocater to expand the "Squads" block. You'll see "Name" you can give this any name as it is a ascii. 

Make sure the Flag "Initially Placed" is checked.

Now make:

"Parent Squad Group" - (-1)

"Objective Index" - (-1) (in a campaign map looking at the "AI Objectives" block you pick which index you want your AI to be assigned to. (-1) just means they wont follow any)

"Objective Role Index" -  (-1) (in a campaign map looking at the sub-block of "AI Objectives" known as the "Role" block you pick which index you want your AI to be assigned to. (-1) just means they wont follow any)

"Editor Folder Index" -  (Don't think this maters too much, but if it does, increment by one until you get your squad to spawn. (-1) works for most maps)



Expand "Single Locations"  or if you're feeling crazy you can Expand "Group Locations"

You can use any StringID for its name

Use Adjutant to get x,y,z positions 

Now make:

Reference frame - (-1)


"Character Type" - this pulls from the "Character Palette" index, so do a search for "Character Palette" and expand it than add your [char] to this list, and go back to "Character Type" in "Squads" and give this your characters palette index. This is the same concept for the following:

"Initial Primary/Secondary Weapon" - look at the "Weapon Palette" and grab a weapons index that you want your AI to spawn with (-1 for no weapon).

"Initial Equipment" -  look at the "Equipment Palette" and grab the equipment's index that you want your AI to spawn with (-1 for no equipment).

"Vehicle" - look at the "Vehicle Palette" and grab the vehicles index that you want your AI to spawn in (-1 for no vehicle) give a specific seat type using the drop box under it. Use "Vehicle Variant" to select which variant of vehicle you want. Look in the [hlmt] of the [vehi] to see the different variants and there corresponding StringIDs, place the String of the variant you want in  "Vehicle Variant".

"Grenade Type" - Use drop box to select which type of grenade your AI use.


"Emitter Vehicle/Giant/Biped" - (-1)

"Command Script Index" - (-1)

Second to last "unknown" - (-1)


Expand "Squad A"

You can use any StringID for its name

"Count" - How many of that specific AI you want (spawns at same coordinates, add another single location to have another ai spawn at different coordinates)

again you'll see vehicle 

"Vehicle" - look at the "Vehicle Palette" and grab the vehicles index that you want your AI to spawn in (-1 for no vehicle) give a specific seat type using the drop box under it. Use "Vehicle Variant" to select which variant of vehicle you want. Look in the [hlmt] of the [vehi] to see the different variants and there corresponding StringIDs, place the String of the variant you want in  "Vehicle Variant".

"Command Script Index" - (-1)

Give the "Unknown" that is a string any string or I recommend the string "none".

Second "Unknown" under the "Unknown" that is a string - (-1)





Edit - 3, July, 2016

Fixing Grammatical issues and format issues

5037Sun, 03 Jul 2016 23:23:18 +0000
<![CDATA[How To Mod To Inheritor & Unlock All Armor]]>https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5231-how-to-mod-to-inheritor-unlock-all-armor/ So you wan't to become Inheritor or/and unlock all armor in Halo: Reach? Follow the steps below:


1. Move your Xbox profile to a flash drive

First of create a new profile and make sure it is offline.

Go into Halo: Reach and buy one item in the armory.

Now, go to the Xbox home screen and follow this video to move the profile you wan't to mod onto an external flash drive/USB: CLICK ME :D

Make sure that the profile is offline because if not you can get banned!


2. Install Horizon

You will need the program Horizon for this. Horizon is a free software, and if you have modded Reach before, chances are you already have it

Download: horizonmb.com


3. The modding itself

Now you will have to plug the device which you moved your Xbox profile to, into your computer. Once this is done open up Horizon.

You should now see it pop up on the left side of the screen. Open up the folder "Gamer Profiles", and drag your profile into the blank space.

Hit the button that says "Mod Package", and scroll down until you see Halo: Reach editor.

In the "Add Credits" tab, into as many as you want. If you wan't to go to inheritor you must put in ATLEAST 20.000.000

Hit "+Add Credits".

Now click the button that says "Unlock All"

This will unlock all armor in halo reach, including: blue flames, red flames, haunted helmet, inclement weather, everything.

Hit save, then "OK" and close the Halo: Reach Editor window. Now hit "Save, Rehash & Resign" a couple of times. and eject the USB.


4. Moving the modded profile back into your Xbox

This one is pretty self explaining. Just do as in the first step, but instead of moving a profile from your hard drive to the USB do the opposite.



That was it!

The next time you open Halo: Reach, you should have everything you need! Just promise me that you don't go online unless you are willing to get Console-Banned :(

If you have any problems or questions, then be sure to tell me. I will try my best to reply.

If you have any problems with me posting this, then tell me and I'll take it down :)









5231Sun, 18 Feb 2018 10:17:16 +0000
SOLVED - Infection Type Spawning (Mythic Slayer Mod)https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5098-solved-infection-type-spawning-mythic-slayer-mod/ EDIT: This has been solved (unfortunately not in a comment on here), so please ignore this post. 


So as some of us know, the Mythic Infection Mod doesn't work correctly in the latest version, and it lacks features. I've attempted a few times to set up infection style spawning within the slayer mod, but it's mostly been concept and not practical in most cases. Here are the main parts:

-Respawn Zone set to 0 centered around infected spawn point(s)

-Respawn Zone set to 1 centered around human spawn 1

-Respawn Zone set to 2 centered around human respawns (except 1)

-Respawn Zone set to 3 around human respawn 1

-Award Points Zone on human respawn 1 so as to end the round

The method I use is that the humans spawn in these chambers where they have to unblock the respawn point, which is either right in front of them and is only blocked by an explosive, or elsewhere and requires a switch. The downside to the switch is that it uses a lot of resources and can lag the game a lot. Teleporters and team-switching zones are used, so as to keep the "team but ffa scoring" that infection has. The zombies also have to reblock their spawn so others don't spawn there.

The reason for these chambers and blocking is to ensure that the last guy who gets infected can respawn and end the round. I don't see any other way of ending it besides with the award points zone. Does anyone know of a more practical way to do this type of spawning? The way I have it is to essentially have the game be able to tell how many people there are so it can spawn just the right amount. It's not very practical as you can't join in session and suicides are always zombies. Scoring is also screwed up.


For those who want more detail:

I've made two somewhat different methods of spawning. Here they are:


There are 15 spawn chambers for the humans. The initial spawn has them destroy a fusion coil in front of them to free the respawn point. The problem is that they can just walk forward and teleport to the map regardless, so I have to trust that they won't break the game. The respawn point is positioned so that whoever respawns there can't walk backward into the teleporter and break the map that way as well. They have to destroy a switch that makes a block spawn and block their spawn. Once again, good faith is in play since I didn't want the game to lag too much. As for the zones, there's a general respawn zone over all the respawns with a lower spawn sequence number than the one centered on the 1st spawn (aka the one with the award points). If there's an extra spawn not blocked, or one too many blocked, the game will not end or end too soon, respectively. There's also respawn zones centered on the initial spawns of human 1 and the zombie(s), the former of which is to ensure there's a spawn for the last human.


Just like with the 1st one, there are 15 spawn chambers. The fusion coil has been replaced with a switch that unlocks the door in front of them. This also frees up the respective respawn point. The respawn zones are also the same as was described above. Respawning has the exact same format in this case as initial spawning. This ensures no one can break the game, but it also takes up a lot more with lag and resources. 45 bombs spawned in just for the switches that destroy. Not helping is that the switches don't work with explosives, so you're down to vehicles and turrets. It cripples your budget.

Method 1 is less costly but easily breakable. Method 2 is very hard to break but more costly. Can anyone help me figure out a middle ground?

I will also post screenshots of the chambers if people need them.

5098Mon, 19 Dec 2016 02:07:07 +0000
Map to Map sound injectionhttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/4815-map-to-map-sound-injection/What you need:

-Assembly (Zedd's no sounds blocked)
-Assembly (latest DEV branch)
-something to make notes on, EG: paper
-A modified xbox 360 (EG: JTAG)

Step 1:
Find the sound(s) that you wish to inject using the no sound blocked assembly and extract them. I will

be using the "sound\vehicles\truck_cab\truck_cap_backup\track1\loop" from m70.map. Make sure you

have your resource cache setup. TIP: if you are extracting a sound with an "_in","_loop","_out" than just

extract using the [lsnd] tag rather than each individual [snd!] tag. DO NOT EXTRACT [uGH!]. EVER.



Step 2: Close the no sounds blocked assembly and open the latest DEV branch. Open the [uGH!] of both

maps (in my case it is m70.map and xbox_chaos.map) ans the [snd!] tag in each map.

Check that the tag you injected is identical to what was extracted.

Step 3:
Fixing stuff in [uGH!]:

1. Check that the "Platform Codec" indexes line up. For example, the settings in index 1 in m70.map may

be in index 2 of the new map. I they are the same, good, if they are not then change the "[ugh!]

Platform Codec Index" in the [snd!] tag to where the correct data is held (on the new map, obviously).

2. Making the new pitch range index. Click the plus icon next to the "pitch ranges" reflexive and add the

number of sounds you are injecting (for this example it is 1).
Now go to the original map's [snd!] tag and find the original "pitch ranges" index in the [ugh!] tag. Make

notes of each of the values wherever you want and then apply them to the new index in the new map.
Finally change the "[ugh!] Pitch Range Index" in the [snd!] tag to the new one.

3. For most other blocks in [ugh!] it is mostly the same as above, although you will need to change the

following values to the new indexes
-First Permutation Index in "Pitch Ranges" to "Permutations" block index
-First Permutation Chunk in "Permutations" to first of the new "Permutation Chunks" indexes
-Add the value of "Permutation Chunk Count" to the "Permutation Chunks" reflexive, add fill each in.
The "import name" indexes may need changing but can be set to 0 without any negative effects.

4. Make sure the injected [snd!] tags [ugh!] indexes match with the new ones you have made and save


Step 4:
Make sure the sound is used by something you can spawn, EG: a vehicle, and transfer to your xbox.

Congratulations, you did the thing!

if it does not work then tell me the tag and i will try and find the issue.
I used this a while ago on the truck_horn and it worked fine.

4815Thu, 09 Jul 2015 09:15:13 +0000
Code mlg v7https://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5062-code-mlg-v7/ someone knows what the code for the rule mlg v7 so that finds no recoil zero bloom .. what´s your code in xml ?? CTF, slayer, and others gametypes ?? 

¿Which it is the general rule v7 code zero bloom ?? code in megalo or what?

5062Fri, 16 Sep 2016 01:15:38 +0000
Halo Reach blizzardhttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5050-halo-reach-blizzard/ I need help with figuring out why everytime i load the map blizzard it says "Disk unreadable"?

5050Thu, 04 Aug 2016 22:30:45 +0000
Halo Reachhttps://www.xboxchaos.com/topic/5051-halo-reach/ I can't figure out why everytime i load the map blizzard it says "Disk unreadable'?

5051Thu, 04 Aug 2016 22:32:14 +0000