Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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LingLing Killer

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About LingLing Killer

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  1. Retail

    Alright thanks guys. Let me know if one of you uploads it please.
  2. Retail

    Does anybody know if it is possible to implement this mod into the Machinima mod? Like add the weaponless vehicle option to it?
  3. Retail

    I've played games with numerous vehicles with no guns and I'm not getting any lag. It might just be your connection or the map that your playing on.
  4. Retail

    Thank you so much dude, Your a lifesaver!
  5. Retail

    I would love it if you could do that. Thank you so much! If you could set it for slayer then that would be great.
  6. Retail

    If somebody could then I would be extremely grateful. I love all these H4 mods going around and with the recent release of the Turretless warthog, troop hog and falcon chingun on Halo: Reach, us on H4 are getting pretty jealous lol. Anyway if anybody can get that onto waypoint so we can download it that would be great! Keep up the good work guys! Also, (and I'm sorry if I'm clogging up the forum here) with this gametype, if somebody did make it and we downloaded it would we be able to change the settings or would that ruin the mod? And does the mod effect every warthog on the map, or can it be targeted to specific ones?
  7. Retail

    So how does this work? Do you need a JTAG for this to work, or can it be transfered to a custom gametype and be played on online in custom games?