Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Smileyman8b

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  1. Hi to all Ive been working on converting several huge mods such as immersive armors,weapons,creatures and well quite plainly it take too damn long to go through resize every image and fix every mesh! So before i go into the dark ages spending hours on end working on projects like this. I figured hey how much easier would it be to have programs do it for me!..... well alot And it can.... at least partially theres a program called Ordenador and with the modified ini it works great to automatically without extracting the bsa or anything else search through a bsa and cut every texture higher than 512X512 in half run it on the same file a couple of times and your left with nothing higher than 512X512, but thats the thing it needs to be 256X256 to work all the time and that doesnt change the issue with the meshes! So thats where people who know roses are #ff0000 and violets are #0000ff come in, little valentines joke. ( and i just had to google that which furthers the point that i dont know much of anything about coding!) So if anybody would be willing to help out on maybe writing a little script or something that would: change the limit from 512X512 to 256X256 in Ordenador then link it to nifskope directly afterwords and set it to automatically go through the meshes then set all of them to go to NiTriData then Num UV sets and then set the option in the command as to leave it alone if its already set to 0 and if its set to 1 set it to 4097 This would result in THE ULTIMATE CONVERTER 50001.47635 idk but if you have the skills please help id love to see this happen. I would also be willing to help in anyway possible (for those more curious bout the Ordenador its on nexus and it has all the DXT5 MipMaps options youd need just needs the limit to be changed to 256X256!)