Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About thieves

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  1. Hello I'd love to know more of what you all have accomplished, could possibly help me learn some of this, my Skype is i00thieves
  2. Lol. Modding and Cheating are entirely two different concepts! Cheating is mainly for exploiting or violating rules on how to accomplish something illegitimately. Modding or 'modifying' certain parts of a game, design, or anything modifiable, isn't same as 'cheating' people may modify a game for the intent to cheat, but this topic has nothing relevant to cheating what's so ever! As I was only stating the website has 'modding' in it's tag line! I didn't come back for more 'drama' but the member above has given interest in responding to the question I had asked.
  3. That sounds so retarded just sayin' when the site says "Modding Evolved" but eh I stumbled apon this dead site anyways(this OT has been dead for 3 yrs) well bye!
  4. As I stated in my post "these are some of the only people to manage to get this working" so no they are not 'mine' I've achieved the text below the guide but not the way NiNJA & Teapot have, I'm looking for help to get this to load through my xzp
  5. Comeeeee back boi

  6. Yo come backkkk

  7. I'm assuming this research came to shift back in 2013, these were probably some of the only people to manage to get this working :/ any possible help to get this setup as well?