Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Greasy Goose

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About Greasy Goose

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  1. Is there a way to use tag injection in halo 2 mcc ? i have no idea if this is possible thank you
  2. .MAP

    I cant get this to work on mcc halo3 does it still work?
  3. .MAP

  4. iv tried to spawn ai via tag effect i cant get it to work on mcc does anyone know how? thank you!
  5. Hello, im using the hex editor for my save game files, i am using a dev kit 360. Everytime I resign and rehash it is corrupt. is there any way I can resign rehash save games with a dev kit? thank you for your time. -Greasy Goose
  6. General

    youre the man! thanks!
  7. General

    Where can I find a dev branch of assembly so I can forceload the tags?
  8. General

    thank you so much
  9. I am spawning squads of ai in the campaign maps, everything works good until I try to spawn something that is not in the bsp and it doesn't work. Is there anyway I can add to the bsp so I can spawn them ? thank you
  10. General

    Does anyone know how to use a flashlight in odst instead of the special vision?
  11. General

    thank you you're awesome!
  12. Modding

    thank you!
  13. General

    Does anyone know or have a tutorial to set up pathfinding for spawned ai through via squads block, I wanted them to move around , how would I go about setting up the firing positions and zones ?thank you for your time -Greasy Goose
  14. Does anyone know how to get the falcon with a chain gun in multiplayer?? thank you