Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About iCanSneak

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  1. So you wan't to become Inheritor or/and unlock all armor in Halo: Reach? Follow the steps below: 1. Move your Xbox profile to a flash drive First of create a new profile and make sure it is offline. Go into Halo: Reach and buy one item in the armory. Now, go to the Xbox home screen and follow this video to move the profile you wan't to mod onto an external flash drive/USB: CLICK ME :D Make sure that the profile is offline because if not you can get banned! 2. Install Horizon You will need the program Horizon for this. Horizon is a free software, and if you have modded Reach before, chances are you already have it Download: 3. The modding itself Now you will have to plug the device which you moved your Xbox profile to, into your computer. Once this is done open up Horizon. You should now see it pop up on the left side of the screen. Open up the folder "Gamer Profiles", and drag your profile into the blank space. Hit the button that says "Mod Package", and scroll down until you see Halo: Reach editor. In the "Add Credits" tab, into as many as you want. If you wan't to go to inheritor you must put in ATLEAST 20.000.000 Hit "+Add Credits". Now click the button that says "Unlock All" This will unlock all armor in halo reach, including: blue flames, red flames, haunted helmet, inclement weather, everything. Hit save, then "OK" and close the Halo: Reach Editor window. Now hit "Save, Rehash & Resign" a couple of times. and eject the USB. 4. Moving the modded profile back into your Xbox This one is pretty self explaining. Just do as in the first step, but instead of moving a profile from your hard drive to the USB do the opposite. That was it! The next time you open Halo: Reach, you should have everything you need! Just promise me that you don't go online unless you are willing to get Console-Banned If you have any problems or questions, then be sure to tell me. I will try my best to reply. If you have any problems with me posting this, then tell me and I'll take it down