Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About DocCobraa

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    Thanks! I actually downloaded it a couple of minutes ago before you posted and tried it out. It launched successfully, but I couldn't access anything pass the start/profile select screen because it requires a Xbox Live Gold Account to access. I used Fake Live in Aurora Dashboard to get around that, and it does work. I can browse through the menus, select my characters and weapons, look at stats, etc. However, I can't actually play anything because it only allows online play. Doesn't bother me much, as maybe one day it will be possible to play around with it. For now, I'll just mess around with other Gears of War 3 pre-release builds. Thank you and your friend for archiving it!
  2. Other

    Sweet! I'll check my HDD on my PC with Xplorer360, but I doubt it is on there. At least you were able to find someone who had the file. Edit: Just checked with Xplorer360. The Elite had it's cache cleared about two years ago, so everything before that is gone. On my old White 360 that I still have the HDD for, I don't see any files big enough in the cache that could be the beta. I assume all TU's were transferred to the Elite, which had its cache cleared.
  3. Other

    I used to have them on my old white Xbox 360, which got a red ring, so the files were transferred to my brother's Xbox 360 Elite after that. This was years back, and I didn't see the files on the Elite so I assumed I lost them.
  4. Hello! I was wondering if anyone has the files for the Gears of War 3 Public Xbox Live Beta. Yes, I know it is on, however, it only contains the launcher for the beta, and none of the files you would download from Xbox Live. These files you would download would be the actual beta game files and not the launcher. Does anyone have those anywhere? Thank you.