Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About BuddyJumps

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  1. General

    Would it be possible to do the following: -Make HUD invisible -Make starting weapon you're holding invisible Btw 50 bucks is not a fixed figure, I think, we can easily come to an agreement.
  2. General

    Instead of doing a no weapon start, would it be possible to change a value to make the Sword invisible and exchange the punch sound with the ones from the pistol for example? Or completely remove the HUD elements?
  3. General

    Alright, 100 views and still no interested party. Let me get specific: Whoever is willing to do this gets 50 bucks via PayPal, I'm serious about this. We could talk in a party before any agreement is being made, my GT is Buddy Jumps.
  4. Hello there! Quick introduction: I'm a seasoned forger and currently one of the best in Halo 5. You can find some of my older stuff here with features of Rooster Teeth, Forge Labs, etc. Here are some screenshots of my H5 stuff, so you can see the artistic level I am at (Sorry, the "Insert other media"-option seemed to not have worked): The reason why I signed up here is because I need a modder to alter the Minigame gametype. I am building the most ambitious cooperative puzzle experience yet by increasing the immersion to new heights. Creating the puzzles, realistic environments, lighting and sounds takes up a looot of time, that is why I would like to outsource the modding of the gametype to an experienced modder. The gametype would still have to be fully functionable and editable by me (shield percentage or movement speed for instance), in case things change after testing. The modder would also be obligated to alter the gametype multiple times, if the vision changes and so on. Of course, I am willing to pay you for your efforts, don't worry. Now, please don't tell me that Halo 5 is already dead and Halo 6 around the corner, I am fully aware of that. This is a passion project for me to get the max out of this in-game editor. If you're interested in helping me and earn some easy money (or not easy, I don't know how difficult it is to realize my requests), then please message me at [email protected] . Thank you for reading!