Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About mwmuller13

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Video Games, Athletics, Fishing and Hunting.
  1. General

    I hope Microsoft keeps the Surface in a decent price range!
  2. Multi

    OK thanks.
  3. Multi

    When using this program in Halo 3 odst a glitch occurs everytime on the mission Data Hive right after the cutseen when you meet up with Dare. I was invincible the entire mission untill the cutseen and after that i was permantly injured with almost no control of my player.
  4. I know one of the playlist in Reach is just for the maps that were used in both Halo Combat Evolved and Halo 2, but they are really poorly made. I was playling on the remake of Battle Creek and it was all just terribly put together. Especially for a playlist i think Bungie should have worked better on the remake of the maps. I was really hoping for the whole entire Halo CE matchmaking experience to be remade.
  5. I dont have much soldering experience so i think i am going to go with the pre-jtag console. Thanks for the advice. Where is the best place to buy pre-jtag consoles?
  6. Thanks for this information. Im now know i need to purchase an older version xbox console. They are actually fairly cheap. Without this information i could have done damage to my console seing how it's a way newer version. It is non exploitable.
  7. Im deffinately pre ordering. This also made me stop and think, is there going to be matchmaking or just co-op campaign. I really would like to play Blood Gulch again.
  8. Awesome an easier way to ask questions to certain individuals.
  9. Wow thats great. 3000 members!
  10. This is great. I can now do the Laso challenges in a third of the time.
  11. General

    Really nice guide. It got me started. Thanks guys.
  12. I need help when i try to run the program i get a message telling me i need to close the program. I have installed the latest .net framework and yes i did run this as admin. My current OS is windows xp. thanks:) This is an awesome site and is where i get all my modding tools.