Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ProtoBeast

  1. This Site

    How about or or...!
  2. .MAP

    Can't I just mod an iso, burn it to a disk and hotswap? Oh and thunder waffle, are you east cost cuz im west cost and im awlays on right when you get off.
  3. .MAP

    Haha ok i'm NocturnalJigSAW, but i'm sick today so i'll be on tomorrow. I might be on later though(i doubt it)
  4. .MAP

    Thanks a lot for the help. Can you give me a link to a Dev kit? I know they are extremely expensive, but i just want to see how much they are and what they look like. Also i've heard with dev kit xboxes you can get the network where everyone else has a dev kit. Is that true? Also I've heard dev kits break easily, is that true? What is your opinion, should I get a Jtag or a Dev kit, I think dev kit because you can play with modders and not get banned like Jtag. Last thing: what happens if RLOD(red lights of death)? I ordered a kit to fix mine and it didn't work(the x-clamp fix). Any site that worked for you?Thanks for everything \Proto
  5. .MAP

    I've just started modding and i've done halo pc projectile mods before, so i know the tags. But anyway I dont have a dev kit or jtag but i do have a transfer cable. Can you explain to what mods i can do? is it possible for me to do projectile mods, because i love doing them.. Also if i get a jtag or dev kit how would i do projectile mods? would i mod the .map with this tutorial and then somehow burn it back to my halo 3 disk and play? I'm just new at this and a little confused. I do know how jtags work, though so i'm not completely stupid.
  6. .MAP

    Does this work online in custom games so i can play with friends?