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How To Upgrade A Jailbroken Idevice To Ios 5.0.1 And Rejailbreak Untethered

4 posts in this topic




2.The idevice you are trying to jailbreak

3.Latest version of redsn0w

4.Tinyumbrella (not needed if you are not going to Preserve your baseband)


What to do:

NOTE: If you have a phone and need to preserve your baseband you must use this tutorial:

Backup your SHSH blobs using cydia before you do this!


1.Download the stock restore IPSW version 5.0.1 for your Iphone. (made by apple)

2.Open up redsn0w and go to Extras.

3.Click on Custom IPSW and select the IPSW you downloaded.

4.When it is done creating the custom IPSW you will have a restore IPSW which should start with something like this NO_BB_OLDROM_

5.Now you need to put your iphone into Pwned DFU mode, you can do this by opening redsn0w and going to extras you will see something saying Pwned DFU click on it and follow the instructions carefully.

6.You will need to open up Tiny umbrella and make sure Set hosts to cydia on exit is ticked then close TinyUmbrella. (NOTE: If you have a antivirus it may block this program so you will need to unblock it)

7.Now open up Itunes (make sure your iphone is plugged into your computer) and it should say it has found a iphone in recovery mode and you need to restore it.

8.Hold left shift, click restore and select the custom IPSW redsn0w made (The one which starts with NO_BB_OLDROM_)

9.After it is done you need to right click your iphone in itunes and click restore from backup then choose the backup you made before all this.

10.You should now have all your stuff back, now close itunes and start redsn0w.

11.Now you are going to go to extras and click Select IPSW, choose the stock IPSW that you downloaded not the custom one you made with redsn0w.

12.Now click back twice and click on Jailbreak.

13.Follow the instructions which put your iphone into DFU mode then when it comes up with the options tick install cydia and click next.

14.After its done the rest of the process takes place on your iphone then your done!

If you don't need to preserve your baseband then follow this tutorial:


1.Download the stock restore IPSW version 5.0.1 for your IDevice. (made by apple)

2.Now you need to put your iphone into Pwned DFU mode, you can do this by opening redsn0w and going to extras you will see something saying Pwned DFU click on it and follow the instructions carefully.

3.Now open up Itunes (make sure your idevice is plugged into your computer) and it should say it has found a idevice in recovery mode and you need to restore it.

4.Hold left shift, click restore and select the stock IPSW you downloaded.

5.After it is done you need to right click your idevice in itunes and click restore from backup then choose the backup you made before all this.

6.You should now have all your stuff back, now close itunes and start redsn0w.

7.Now you are going to go to extras and click Select IPSW, choose the stock IPSW that you downloaded.

8.Now click back twice and click on Jailbreak.

9.Follow the instructions which put your idevice into DFU mode then when it comes up with the options tick install cydia and click next.

10.After its done the rest of the process takes place on your idevice then your done!



stock IPSW for your idevice



People who made Redsn0w


People who made Tinyumbrella

Extra notes:

If you got error 10 when you followed step 8 in the first tutorial it means you need to upgrade your Itunes.

If you got error 3194 when following step 3 in the second tutorial it means you need to go to C:>Windows>System32>drivers>etc open up your hosts file with administrator privalages and remove the line saying #

Hope this worked for you.

AMD and AKIMBO BUNNYZ like this

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