Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Singleplayer ]How To Change Your Character, Starting Weapon, And Items

1 post in this topic

-open alteration


-go to [MATG] in meta grid in idents

-scroll down to where it shows some things for the cheif. change the third person model to whoever you want [bIPD], [VEHI], [GINT]

-it automaticly saves when you change in the meta grid

the following are all in [sCNR] in meta grid in idents


-scroll down to where you see the second set of [WEAP] in the tag classes.

-change the weapons corresponding to your starting weapon at whatever rally point you are at to the weapon you want.(special weapons like certain characters or vehicles weapons only work with certain animations(eg. hunter weapon with hunter, scarab gun with scarab, and turret weapons when your a vehicle))


-scroll down to the first set of [WEAP] and change whatever weapon you want to another or null them out to remove them. this changes weapons on the map and what AI load with


-scroll down to where it shows [VEHI] in the tag classes and change you what vehicle you want instead or null them out to remove them(dont swap for anything other than a vehicle, doesnt work well


-scroll down to where it shows [CHAR] in the tag classes and change the character to what you want or null them out to remove them. this changes their bipd, voice, and team. to the normal of the character


--scroll down to the first set of [MACH] and change whatever machine you want to another or null them out to remove them. this can remove doors so you can walk freely through a map however it doesnt always load the loading points and you might be unable to finish the map

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