Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About HUFan

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  1. It's good to come back to a site that I've missed and loved to see it even better and I love it, TJ and Everyone else did a well done job, congrats.



      Welcome back :)

      Theres been a lot of changes, staff has been shuffled around alot. (me nd blood no longer mods)

    2. HUFan


      I see very many changes that look better. Sorry you're no longer a mod, you were a good one.

  2. Lol wow akimbo you just couldn't let anyone else have it huh? Lol
  3. Now it's a giveaway for first grabs
  4. Updated OP for approval proof
  5. I did not use it. I already had the beta. And I can write my name on the original pic and cut out the code if you want my name as proof. I just got this code sent to me today. And if it just so happens to not work then I will refund the money but I need proof that it doesn't work.
  6. Taken by AKIMBO BUNNYZ, Have fun on the Gears of War 3 BETA AKIMBO!
  7. General

    Ok will do.
  8. General

    Ya I know it should be low idk. Hopefully
  9. General

    I'd do it i will be on retail console though. Jtag is gone. I'd love to.
  10. General

    Well sorry but my life dosent go that way and if I was really that starving I'd just go to a mcdonalds or something and scout their trash cans but I don't and I won't I'm sorry that your dad passed away but my life is mine I can choose to spend my money how I desire and I don't want it to show off my mods I want it so me and my friends who don't have jtags can have fun on those mods
  11. General

    another thing buddy cycle of life your born you live you die if you can live then you can die it happens to everyone so why start now
  12. General

    well ya but I also like to go online really at least once though and greedy really ya no it's not greedy
  13. General

    Well because I would like to go online on my jtag