Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About DaftHacker

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    You're a Wizard Harry, IM A WHAT
  • Birthday 02/23/1993

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  1. So modding Halo on xbox the way you swap projectiles is: MapMagic + ProjectileOffset + 0xC which returns a byte array of the current projectile for the current weapon. On the pc version if you want to mod the map you'll have to open it in something like Halo Map Tools which makes the file unavailable for the game to read off of so you cant play while editing. What im trying to do is hook the process memory and then basically do the same method but for some reason its not returning the right values for me. Does anyone have any clue on how i could possibly do this ? Im very new to pc hacking, so all i really know is read and write process memory.
  2. I believe the only way to mod halo 2 is to manually map mod it.
  3. Support

    Thanks for the help, I finally figured out where the offsets are. I didn't really get how to find the offset by subtracting and locating but the offsets were all in the general range so I just poked everything and found what I need.
  4. Support

    Well ive tried dumping the memory with SimpleDump360 and it just saves a file with no extension and if I make it into .txt its just a bunch of what looks like to be encrypted data. I aslo tried using peek poker to search for my service tag ( Had to search hex only ) and didn't come up with anything. Ive also looked around google to try and find some helpful things but there is no info like this to be found anywhere.
  5. Support

    Could you explain a little more, maybe a step by step walkthrough. I'm not trying to be spoon fed just would like to get a good grasp on how its done and fully understand it. Not the Gathering offsets part but finding the new offsets. I have found these offsets that id like to be updated for tu6, maybe you could show how its done by using one of them ??
  6. Hi, I am Daft. I hope to be a great member to the community, It would be nice to learn a thing or 2 from here. I'm also no inexperienced person either, so if you need any type of help I will offer what support I can give. Anyways hello everyone.
  7. Support

    How are offsets for halo and pretty much every game gathered and updated to the latest tu ? I know there is dumping floats from the xex in ida.