Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Bumhunter

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  • Birthday 08/02/1990

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  1. "ho ho ho" Santa said to the skanky triplets

  2. General

    Halo 5 seems to be 90% Microsoft and 10% 343i.
  3. Do what's on your mind. There won't be any consequences.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bumhunter


      YOU ARE A PIRATE! -limewire

    3. [Iconoclast]


      Yar - har - fiddle-dee-dee!

    4. Bumhunter


      Being a pirate is alright to be!

  4. Oh look, a penny!
  5. .MAP

    I'm stuck within Part 3. How do I find my bsp in the sbsp block?
  6. General

    I never paid for a mod and I never will. (This does not include sacrifices such as blood, souls and first-borns' or voluntary donations of money to the creator) If people want to charge you for downloading their mod it's your decision to take it or leave it, so why not?
  7. Merry lookatthecalenderm8!

  8. Intense indeed.
  9. The nimrod who uploaded that video named it wrong. Coburn - We interrupt this program
  10. This tutorial really helped me out. You did a great job making it easy to follow. (oh noes its a bump)
  11. General

    . PC . Xbox360 . Xbox360 RGH . Gamecube . N64 . Gameboy (The grey one with the pink buttons)
  12. This "hi" goes to everyone reading this. Feel greeted. Thank you very much for creating all of those Halo 3 modding tutorials. At first I started off with USB-mods, but especially deadcanadian's and gamecheat's videos of the .map-mods they created, convinced me to trade in some printed paper for a RGH. I've had said RGH for ~13 months now, but I have yet to discover the full potential of it. Now, I'm not going to post any of the shtuff here that I have done up to this point, because its not even close to being close to the standards I see here. I'm here to learn though.
  13. .MAP

    The new terrain makes it look like a completely new map. Fantastic work!