Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Support

    Ok SOOOOOOOO haha I got a pretty nasty trojan the other day, got pissed, and overall said screw the internet for a few days. Now down to business!!! Can anyone point me in the right direction to figure out how to mod a game save for skyrim??
  2. Support

    My issue is the tutorials Im finding are either outdated or link me to a virus.....which is getting on my nervs haha damn youtube assholes!!
  3. Support

    Ok so I could pretty much just give myself all the stuff in the game ( items, skill points, etc) well not all but you know what I mean, gold and what not. I didnt think the 360 was able to run the landscape mods and things like that but just in case I asked anyway haha. Where could I find a way to do that until I find a new console?? I know I'll have extract the game file but from there I have NOOO idea what im doing. I was looking into a badass gaming PC BUUUTTTTTT It'll run me a few grand apparently and thats pricey for a college kid who just got his first place lol. When I get the console ( should be in the next few weeks haha) I'll probably post a new thread on the site and figure all the stuff out.
  4. Support

    Hot damn haha thats a very detailed answer thank you!!! I'll look into buying one since I only have my online console right now. So when I do buy it since I cant log in to XBL or anything will I have to transfer the Xexmenu from my pc to the console right??? Now It was mentioned that I could mod skyrim on a much smaller scale for my console. I know I couldn't get any out of the world texture mods or anything like that but what could I get or is it even worth it??? Hey thanks again you guys seriously, I posted this in another forum at the same time I made this thread and Im still over there raging out over the stupidity and hate that I got haha
  5. I've been reading this forum, google, and a few more forums and I can't seem to get a straight answer from ANYONE anywhere on the net. I have an xbox 360 and I want to know if I can get mods, ANY mods at all on my console. I have read about JTAG/GHG consoles but I dont really get it at all haha, Is it a specefic type of console or something to do with the motherboard, etc?? Im pretty confused on that aspect. I've seen some older tutorials that say it is possible but the video was outdated by a new patch and since the 1.9 patch I havent seen a good tutorial and I really haven't gotten any direct answers. So is it possible? Can you help haha. Im sure threads like this pop up all the time ( I cant find any good ones haha) so please dont flame me or anything its just a question. thank you ahead of time.