Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Gordon

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  1. Support

    *stares blankly* Yeah, what you're asking is a little vague. Generally you're going to be recycling scratches several times per tick, so if you want to count how many times a playerscratch is used, you're going to need to find anywhere it is used and add a variable operation to count it. Probably with a branch that checks team and increments a team-specific variable. That help?
  2. Well if you want to use the actual powerups, test incidents with chudmessages I guess. Beyond that you could use dominion switches and apply powerups and create AAs accordingly. Hmm - if the incidents don't work, maybe run an oneachobject trigger/sub checking for player proximity and objectissametype, flag a variable, and if it gets deleted (or acquires an owner/parent - not sure how that works) spawn the AA with a playertimer to delete it? (sorry if this is hard to read - typing one-handed with my son in one arm lol)
  3. Support

    Couldn't you just run the timer to 6?
  4. There might be but I don't know of it. I do know that you can set it up so picking up an AA will grant a powerup or apply traits, so you could use AAs as pickups if that works and get the DB effect while carrying PV. You could also set it to only apply the DB effect while PV is active if that appeals to you. The power-up effects are just appearance traits. You can access them via any playertraits. Leader Traits for example. Power-ups are just traits conveniently set up with timers, linked to objects. If you want to make a player strobe or flash a colour all you need to do is run a timer and have it apply one of two trait sets based on it's value and keep resetting the timer when it runs out.
  5. PlayerApplyPowerup is an action to grant the powerup traits. You're looking for power-up activation/deactivation incidents, which would be conditions. Assuming you want these power-ups available on-map, and not just via megalo. [not sure what will work, but PlayerApplyPowerup won't]
  6. Support

    Can you post the KSoft code too? I haven't quite gotten used to Wumboscript yet.
  7. Support

    Update: itemGetOwnerPlayer works Here's the script, if anybody is interested or wants to use it for reference; <ObjectVariables> <Players> <Var networkState="HighPriority" name="ObjectPlayer1" /> </Players></ObjectVariables><Trigger execMode="OnEachObject" name="Trigger25"> <Elements> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">reflective_shield</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">jet_pack_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">thruster_pack_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">xray</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">hologram_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">active_camo_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">regen_field_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">auto_turret</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="Branch"> <Param type="VirtualTrigger"> <VT type="VirtualTrigger"> <E type="Condition" name="Comparison"> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Player" varRefType="Object.PlayerVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectPlayer1</Param> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Player" varRefType="ExplicitPlayerType" dataType="NONE" /> <Param name="Comparison" type="ComparisonType">NotEqual</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="ItemGetOwnerPlayer"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="PlayerReference" varRefType="ExplicitPlayerType" dataType="PlayerScratch0" /> </E> <E type="Condition" name="Comparison"> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Player" varRefType="Object.PlayerVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectPlayer1</Param> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Player" varRefType="ExplicitPlayerType" dataType="PlayerScratch0" /> <Param name="Comparison" type="ComparisonType">NotEqual</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="DeleteObject"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> </E> </VT> </Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="Comparison"> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Player" varRefType="Object.PlayerVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectPlayer1</Param> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Player" varRefType="ExplicitPlayerType" dataType="NONE" /> <Param name="Comparison" type="ComparisonType">Equal</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="ItemGetOwnerPlayer"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="PlayerReference" varRefType="Object.PlayerVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectPlayer1</Param> </E> </Elements></Trigger>
  8. Support

    Could you use a TeamNumeric instead of an ObjectNumeric? No idea why it would only work when it's maxed out tho - might need to see some code to figure that out.
  9. Support

    Thanks I'll try that
  10. Support

    Okay, new thumbdrive reasonably set up, and here's my trigger in Wumbo. I just tacked it on to a gametype tyhat was decompiling clean in WumboScript and then used to find my trigger and variable declaration. define vars object { object0 as object}for each current_object0 in objects { if object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.reflective_shield) or object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.jet_pack_equipment) or object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.thruster_pack_equipment) or object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.xray) or object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.hologram_equipment) or object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.active_camo_equipment) or object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.regen_field_equipment) or object_matches_type(current_object0, object_types.auto_turret) { if current_object0.object0 != none { get_owner_player_biped(current_object0, temp_object0) if current_object0.object0 != temp_object0 { delete_object(current_object0) } } if current_object0.object0 = none { get_owner_player_biped(current_object0, current_object0.object0) } }}And here's the full script; - variable starts at line 9 and trigger starts at line 175 Edit: It's supposed to loop through all objects and if it's an AA check if it's variable has a player biped reference. If it doesn't it pulls the parent's biped to it. If it does it checks if the parent biped matches the stored parent biped, and if it doesn't it deletes the AA.
  11. Support

    Huh? I don't follow.. Does that mean I missed Nitrogen releasing, or are you talking about the KSoft error details or something? (because apparently it didn't throw an error - I don't know - I need to get fresh gametypes to edit on a new thumbdrive before I can compile anything. My backups are just old XMLs that won't compile in the version of KSoft I've been able to find. Pfeuff compiled/tested it.)
  12. Preface: I appear to have misplaced the thumbdrive I use for modding. Lost all of my resources and I'm left with outdated backups. I've been working on a gametype with Pfeuff and I wrote up the following code last night to deal with an issue with AAs recharging when dropped. I can't troubleshoot it until I rebuild my resource drive, and apparently it's compiling clean and then causing a freeze-up on the xbox. The Trigger (including variable declaration); <ObjectVariables> <Objects> <Var networkState="HighPriority" name="ObjectObject0" /> </Objects></ObjectVariables><Trigger execMode="OnEachObject" name="Trigger25"> <Elements> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">reflective_shield</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">jet_pack_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">thruster_pack_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">xray</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">hologram_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">active_camo_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">regen_field_equipment</Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="ObjectIsSameType" unionGroupID="-3"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectTypeIndex">auto_turret</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="Branch"> <Param type="VirtualTrigger"> <VT type="VirtualTrigger"> <E type="Condition" name="Comparison"> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Object" varRefType="Object.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectObject0</Param> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Object" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="NONE" /> <Param name="Comparison" type="ComparisonType">NotEqual</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="ObjectGetOwnerPlayer"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="ObjectScratch0" /> </E> <E type="Condition" name="Comparison"> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Object" varRefType="Object.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectObject0</Param> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Object" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="ObjectScratch0" /> <Param name="Comparison" type="ComparisonType">NotEqual</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="DeleteObject"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> </E> </VT> </Param> </E> <E type="Condition" name="Comparison"> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Object" varRefType="Object.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectObject0</Param> <Param type="VarReference" varRefKind="Object" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="NONE" /> <Param name="Comparison" type="ComparisonType">Equal</Param> </E> <E type="Action" name="ObjectGetOwnerPlayer"> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="ExplicitObjectType" dataType="Iterator.Object" /> <Param type="ObjectReference" varRefType="Object.ObjectVar" dataType="Iterator.Object">ObjectObject0</Param> </E> </Elements></Trigger>I suspect the issue might be in the way I'm trying to use ObjectGetOwnerPlayer because I couldn't find a decent reference for that in my outdated resource backups, so I could very well have mangled it without realizing it.
  13. Support

    Here's some KSoft-ey semi-pseudocode; <Trigger> <Branch> <Condition Comparison> <Param GlobalVariableX /> //main variable <Param GlobalVariableY /> //variable to detect changes <Param NotEqual /> </Condition> <Action DoStuff /> </Branch> <Action VariableOperation> <Param GlobalVariableY /> <Param GlobalVariableX /> <Param Set /> </Action></Trigger>If you want it to detect the change within the tick that it happens, put it at the bottom of your triggers. If you want it to detect it the tick after it changes, put it above where ever GlobalVariableX will be modified. If you want a few seconds delay, that gets a bit trickier.
  14. Support

    I noticed it seemed to skip over some stuff, depending on what traits have values. I think it still leaves out values if there aren't any values within the same section (like <Weapons> or whatever)
  15. Support

    I think it might be a separate section within traits, but I'm not sure and I can't find a reference. Easiest way to figure it out would be to stick it in each possible spot and see what KSoft deletes I suppose.