Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Roberto

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/17/1993

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere over the rainbow.
  • Interests
    Existence. live. breathing.
  1. Support

  2. well lately i have been pondering the deep pathagorams of our multiverse. particularly the bread and cheese paradox. Why is it that when these to sumptuous beings are combined into one harmonious symbalance, a culinary song of unrivaled permenance is concieved?

    1. Roberto


      it asked me what was on my mind...hence, i answered.

  3. Retail

    ah thank you! i am in your debt. =)
  4. Retail

    one more thing, where can i get USB explorer and halo toolbox?
  5. Retail

    ok. thanks. does mean i can swap vehicles for spawn points...yes?
  6. Retail

    can this be used to mod vehicles? or not. say, something classic, like changing warthog turrets to scorpion guns, etc. cheap stuff.
  7. Support

    so patches can be put on a retail xbox? like by USB?
  8. Retail

    so your saying that if i followed your instructions exactly it will work for a retail xbox. ?
  9. Support

    unfortunatly all the stuff i could find in teh tut section was for USB transfers for Jtaged Xs. any advice?
  10. Retail

    can this be done without a jtaged X?
  11. hey so is it possible to do this without a jtag box? like put modded maps on it via usb on a normal unaltered elite.
  12. Support

    K so this is rather idiotic but being the epic noob that i am, i was wondering if there is a way to put maps i downloaded from this website onto my computer ( e.g. ) and then transfer them somehow to my xbox and make them accessable from the halo 3 disc. Without Jtag, or .xex, etc. Simple transfer. Could a kind, generous soul (with a heck of a lot of too much time on their hands) school me in detail in the way (if there is one) to get this accomplished? thanks.