Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Billy11

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  • Birthday 04/19/1993

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  • Interests
    halo 2, halo 3, halo 4, halo reach there all awesome!
    also many different PC games.

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  1. @hyptichypezz I couldn't agree more!
  2. I'd love to get together sometime and run a few matches!
  3. Awesome! Thank you! now I have a reason to dust off my OG xbox lol
  4. Not sure where to put this so move if needed. Anywho Im sure some of you may know of or heard about ElDewrito the mod of the russian halo 3 leak. I'm surprised that I didn't see anyone else post about this on the Forum here. I suggest we add a category for it on the main page. For the reset of you that don't know. The dev's of the mod are currently indisposed by 343 and microsoft since there most recent update to 0.6 seems to have caught their eye. The mod itself does not infringe upon microsoft's IP but they were also sharing MS base code along with the mod henece the default.exe So at this point in time all work is on pause to the ElDewrito mod. There is hope though the player/community is growing everyday there is an official discord that has over 2k members. Unfortunately you can't download the game/mod unless you DM someone that has a link or find an unofficial Discord that's hosting a link to a google drive or Torrent. Personally I have played the mod and it's great! and awesome to finally have Halo on the PC again! It's also open to your own mods and the ability to hook up with your buddies online! This is something i've wanted for soooo long! The point of this post is to inform more people of this amazing development in the Halo scene. So we can show 343/MS that there really is a big player base that wants a OPEN halo PC experience. maybe something similar to Gmod. If anyone needs links to the Discord or a direct download P.M. me. I hope this has been informative to someone. If you have any questions feel free to P.M. me or leave a comment. Thanks N' Peace, Billy
  5. true be nice to have a good odst tool. more options would be cool also good work so far.
  6. Modding

    really nice job dude! only thing is that all the pelicans fall though the map. other then that awesome!
  7. Modding

    i'll fire up the jtag and have a look. sounds cool
  8. very nice over view man!