As many of you may know, we have been talking for a long time about adding a blogging system to the site. Thanks to your donations (thanks ), this has finally become a reality. In the spirit of our new "modding evolved" motto, we are pleased to announce that we have integrated blogs into Xbox Chaos. It's a very simple system: with the push of a button, you can create a blog about anything you want (as long as it follows the site rules, of course) and then write away. You even have the flexibility to blog about posts that you see by clicking a "Blog This" link at the bottom of them. Other features include the ability to customize your blog's sidebar, feature posts, specify other members who can edit your blog, have per-blog RSS feeds, trackbacks, and more.
We encourage every active member here to start a blog and post about research that you do or whatever you feel like. It's a very informal environment and works well for sharing thoughts that wouldn't be very appealing in a forum post.
This new system will be replacing the old announcements forum. This means that our old forum-based announcements will no longer be available, but that should not be an issue. For those of you who are interested, we will be maintaining an Argon development blog as well.
Also, we'd like to give a huge shout out to , who gave us the inspiration to add this feature in the first place. Because of this, he will be a moderator for the new system.
Finally, it is our duty to announce that Derek has stepped away from his position as a community manager. Unless somebody is really willing to take his place, we will not be looking for a replacement anytime soon. Community info will now come from all current staff through this blog. Additionally, we have dropped the very ugly and unprofessional Xbox Metro Light theme. As you would expect, the Xbox Metro Dark and Xbox Chaos v2.1 themes will still be available for use.
So...why wait any longer? Click the Blogs link at the top and get started! If you have any more questions, feel free to contact us!
~ The Xbox Chaos Staff