Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Haxxzor1

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  1. Hi

    1. Jenny


      Ghiohhukihui Tu iuy

  2. Request

    Sure thing. Sometimes it's something really simple.
  3. Request

    Here is a copy of the one I downloaded.
  4. Are you using the GOD compatible package or Jtag rip? I'm using the Jtag rip and All Nightmares armors work fine for me. Can someone confirm Nightmare isn't in 3.1?
  5. Link might be broken, here is a working link to the patchkit. Excellent job , thank you selyb loving this mod.
  6. Request

    That's good, I hope I helped. I may use this mod as well, does it track the number of kills on each animal correctly?
  7. Request

    It's very likely that this won't work, I've ported similar mods but here you go. Let me know what works and what doesn't after you test it. Password is same as selyb's. This version is the one that includes the modified perk tree so I would test with it being the only mod installed. Hunting in Skyrim.
  8. Modding

    I use a combination of these two programs. DDSopt and Optimizer Textures. Armor mods won't work if it uses a dynamic mesh, which is like all of them. Unless you can find a good retexture or a genius who can rewrite Nifskope, we'll have to stick with vanilla armors.
  9. Ring of UltraVision. Life Detection and Invisibility Armor. Btw: Haven't tested however they should work.
  10. Repacking the bsa worked. And simple enough to incorporate a couple other mods I had. Thank you!
  11. I'm assuming you've read through this thread by selyb? Try it agin step for step, you may catch something you missed last time. Are you running Skyrim from a copied backup, or a GOD package? e.g. you bought Skyrim from the Marketplace.
  12. So I tried to add in configurations for two spell packs I use and realized I won't be able to because the MD5 won't match up. Any chance of getting this to work for these to spell packs? Apocalypse and Phenderix? I wouldn't want you to have to upload an entirely new file.
  13. Modding

    Yeah, I've scoured the internet for Nebby85 in hopes to find some answers. Ha. I think it ended with him asking how to get NifSkope to write in big Endian. I wish it were as straightforward as paying someone to rewrite NifSkope. Anyone know python? lol
  14. Modding

    So I was obsessing over getting armor mods to work (again) and found this on the TES Nexus Wiki: The _1 and _0 variants aren't the only nifs that have scaling issues. Other dynamic meshes such as custom animals or bows sometimes mess up. I have a converted weapon pack with a handful of added bows and some custom meshes work where as others don't. What I was getting at was, using the proper tools, could you somehow work with the an armor mesh and remove scaling functionality or perhaps make a character with weight set to min or max to test?
  15. I keep forgetting you have spreadsheets with all kinds of useful values that I need to redownload. Thanks again selyb! Edit: If you seriously mod Skyrim Xbox, Multi-Utility is a must. Ha.