Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Roers

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    Dang. I need to stop doing that.

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  1. General

    The question was will the PS3 be better than the PS4. Yes. Unless Sony doesn't learn from their actions. But in my opinion. Xbox 360 > PS3
  2. General

    Oh I see what your saying now. It's a boring drum
  3. This Site

    Maybe he's gentleman like.
  4. General

    Interesting. I didnt think people did that. People at my school act surprised
  5. General

    Suffer from imnsomia? It's about 1:40AM and I have school tomorrow, well today. And I just want to know if anyone stays up as late as me. I usually go to bed at 4-5 and on bad days I don't sleep. And at times I take benydral to sleep.
  6. General

    Wait I'm confused what do you mean just a bass drum?
  7. General

    Yeah. I want to be a drum major but as a percussionist my band director wants me out on the field keeping time with the drum majors. Lots of fun. Attempting to play quads but my teacher is aiming me towards center snare
  8. General

    Drumline people are FTW:)
  9. General

    That would be really cool if someone else was actually..
  10. I would like to know if anyone here is in a marching band in highschool or college(or any) because I want to know any cool solo's you've picked up at.
  11. General

    What do you own?(Xbox Wise)Im curious to see who actually owns a jtag or a modded consle at all. You can choose multiple if you didnt know FYI
  12. So does this mean we cant talk about the Sun, Star, or a Black Holes, or Chuck Norris in Space?!?!?!?!?! I think this should be changed. I thought this should go under site feedback but no. It's to stupid and pointless to put there. To Avoid getting off topic cause im afraid this will get deleted due to being spam Ill make another real topic. Wait, What?
  13. General

    It's not about the size. It's all about how you use it:D
  14. General

    If they make a game (who ever it'll be) it will be all about the money and all we can hope for is whoever that wants to make it makes a decent game.
  15. General

    Being Mexican has it's downers: / but I can run like a bat outta hell! So yay going to make the track team:)