Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About worf65

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  1. Modding

    Has anyone worked on a proj plugin? I wanted to change the speed, detonation time, and other projectile properties but there is no plugin at all for proj in halo 4. I don't know how to make plugins from scratch or I would try working with it a bit myself.
  2. General

    I also use windows 7 64 bit (professional). Xlink runs fine on my computer, I have problems with lagging out but the programs run fine. When I was setting mine up I had some problems, not realizing that Winpcap was a separate program that had to be installed. Make sure you have that installed and enabled in the config page.
  3. Support

    This happens (only works on sandtrap): http-~~-//
  4. General

    It's not on this site unless someone else posted it with a weird name. I have put it up on se7ensins and at least one other site, and I put it in the shoutbox once, but I never actually posted a topic about it, I searched just to make sure I didn't forget and I couldn't find it.
  5. Here are 2 modded campaign saves made on the same modded map, but at different points. These were made on My JTAG but can be played on a normal xbox using a transfer cable or a usb device. The video was filmed on my normal, unmodified xbox. Instructions are included in the download. http-~~-//
  6. .MAP

    I don't have that mod but here is a campaign save I made with something similar, but this works on a normal xbox, no JTAG necessary. Instructions are included in the download: http-~~-//
  7. Modding

    I can't get it to work, The JTAG always fails to connect. What am I doing wrong? I have dashlaunch and have successfully used the halo reach RTH. I have tried loading all three xexs only the halo3RTH.exe does not kick me back to the dashboard.
  8. Support

    That is what I was thinking. I was just hoping that someone would know how, It would be fun to have a vehicle like a large artillery battery.
  9. I was messing around with adding extra turrets to vehicles and made an 8 cannon scorpion in halo 3. Is there any way to make the turrets fire separately? I tried clicking the "stagger across separate markers" under weapon but it didn't work. I just want to make them not fire at the same time. Also how can the position, or at least rotation of added turrets be edited?