Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About HaloMaster2610

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/26/1997

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  • Interests
    Modding, Out with friends, computer, girls and xbox.
  1. C#

    Okay thank you for the comments and advice I have been given So do you think I should start with a different language and in this case python?Will it help. I have looked at the internet and it is said also that if you start with a harder language which they(the people on this forum)said that C++ for example it is easier to learn a harder/more challenging languge first and then moving onto other languages will be a whole lot easier. I have some understanding as I did some vb. But it is all the basics like you said variables, data types and all that. I have read through some of the links you gave me. The mdsn one has all these tutorials which say simple by the side of them and I am having trouble understand what command line arguments actually are. I am not sure if I a missing anything there or in any of the tutorials?any help for this? Thanks in advanced to any further posts and replies
  2. C#

    Okay thanks. Could you guide me to any text tutorials that you find good?
  3. C#

    Okay thankyou for the info. Would you have any books in mind that are good? Yes. I was thinking about starting with console applications and doing basic things with that and then move onto programming involving a GUI. Would you happen to know any like programs I could start with doing this?Also would you know of any video tutorials that are good?At first I wanted to do c# but then I was sorta convinced by the interwebs to do c++ as I am not just stuck to windows. But it also put me off people saying it was hard and challenging and that starting with an easier'ish language will help. Therefore I went with c#. Okay thank you very much for the advice . You say the best tutorials are were you code yourself. So do I start with like books and video tutorials and then mess around with the basic code they have given me there?If you happen to know of any good books or vids I could take a look at that would be great. Thanks all for the great replies and advice also thanks in advanced again to anyone else that replies.
  4. C#

    Hi All Well I have decided to start programming with c#. I have touched programming with vb but I stopped learning and forgot most of it. I am now starting from scratch learning programming with C#. I was wondering if any of you guys have any good learning resources. I have come across many tutorials on youtube and non of them are really that good that I have seen. Also I have had a look at some books in amazon and I am unsure what book to buy. I was just looking for your personal opinion on what to book to buy and what videos to watch that are really good and help with learning C#. Thanks in advanced.
  5. what is a NAND ive hearsd of it but what does it do and is it essential also would you need to do anything with it?
  6. one more question is the slim line jtag better than all of the jtag models becuse i really dont know much about the slim line jtag?
  7. Thanks for the info.
  8. Hi Im looking into buying a jtag and i have a few good options but i also have come out with a few questions 1.Why are jaspers so much? 2.What is the best jtag model and why 3.Is it hard to get hold of a power brick and AV cables If do answer any of these questions thanks. HaloMaster2610
  9. General

    I do i like football.
  10. Other

    Thanks for your help i did it in the end but instead i copied the release folder If any one would like to try my webbrowser which i just uploaded please tell me what you think of it but this is only the beta version there will be a better one out soon Here is the download link Dont ask me why i called it C-net i couldnt think of anything else.
  11. Other

    So i wont have to publish it using the FTP server so i can normally publish it because i heard problems if you normally publish it on to your desktop i then upload on to mediafire or something like that and then go onto a different computer and try and download it it says "this program is allready on another computer" or is this just is this true? Help Plz
  12. Firstly i new to all the coding but recently have coded my own simple webbrowser and i would like to publish it so that people can download it but im not really sure how?