Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. .MAP

    This only made my wheels gold
  2. not cool youtube, but can you re upload the video please
  3. Dude, that's sick
  4. Graphics

    Hey could you make me a youtube background?
  5. I ordered a jtag with a broken disc drive, so how can I install XeXloader and where can I download?
  6. thanks man, I already know most of the basics of a jtag so with the help of this site I might actually become a good modder.
  7. General

    I have to say I have a ps3 although I am also proud to say that I haven't played it in 3 months
  8. This Site

    A b/s/t section
  9. Yo what's up you guys, let me start by saying a little bit about my self. First I am a nooby/decent modder due to the fact that I only have a transfer cable, but I really want to buy a jtag but I really do not know a good seller. Also, I love to make video's on youtube, my username is USSRgunfun01. In addition, I love music, preferably screamo like Bring Me the Horizon, Killswitch Engage, and things like that. Lastly, I am a pretty nerdy kid who has nothing better to do then xbox and computer. I am also proud to be a member of an actual good website with people who actually know what they are doing... for the most part, so yeah I guess what's up you guys?
  10. You should make a tutorial on how to merge objects
  11. I have to admit, I am pretty damn excited for this game to come out!
  12. This Site

    This will not let me connect