Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About mrmaxguthrie

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    ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
  • Birthday June 16

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  • Interests
    Modding Halo Reach and MW3

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  1. I can't even get that far, on F3 I launch it and it just says "The game couldn't start. Try downloading the game again." - that happens for the Halo 2 and 1 beta , and other xbox original titles work too so I dunno what my problem is
  2. Support

    yeah i tried other ones, and in forge too, and still the same thing happens. I also tried the final mission in custom games by GameCheat I believe and the same thing still happens EDIT: and i was on the red and blue teams always, and does it matter if i go in the game? Like is it a necessity for me not to? SECOND EDIT: I loaded up Glacier in Forge, "Players failed to load content", hopped over to firefight, loaded Glacier, waited for the load to get to 100%, didn't start it, hopped back into the forge lobby, Glacier started to load to 100% in forge, loaded to 100% in forge, I started the game in forge, and still, frozen xbox...
  3. Support

    care to send me a working firefight to MP map? or like upload it and give me the link? i got the firefight MP map off of this forum so i dont know what im doing wrong
  4. Support

    Still no one knows what I'm doing wrong?
  5. Support

    look at that video, it shows what i do to preload. see if you can point something out im doing wrong please
  6. and a jtag doesn't have a jtag on it, it's not software it is hardware, a physical object you can touch that allows your console to run unsigned code. It's not like an action replay or a gameshark for the Xbox 360
  7. Support

  8. Support

    have a skype? if so i can just show you the problem from there
  9. hey im having trouble preloading could you make a tut on how to preload for firefight maps on forge and custom games on reach :)

  10. Support

    any help? pleeeeaaase?
  11. Support

    no i do preload it when it is preloaded and i try to launch it my xbox freezes while its loading
  12. Support

    I downloaded a firefight to multiplayer map (glacier), so i can forge and do custom games on it. I tried to preload (loaded the Glacier map in firefight, and started the game, then exited and loaded it in custom games and pressed start game) and my xbox froze. What am i doing wrong? If i dont pre-load it i get a Players Failed to Load Content message... Please help