Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About ark_ryl

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  1. Support

    Same problem as last time I'm afraid. I can use forge but now nothing loads as it should do... Nevermind, it works! I didn't realize I had to change the internal name of the map in the .mapinfo file to that of the filename.
  2. Is there a tutorial around that teaches me how to use the advanced poker?
  3. Support

    OK an update. I decided to use Alteration's 'map package' feature to create the map and it's respected .info and .blf files. The map finally works and the shaders are fixed! However... There is now this annoying bug where as soon as I start the game (in forge), the game instantly goes to the 'game over' screen....
  4. Support

    But what about when editing a map and saving it then transferring it to the computer?
  5. Support

    Actually, just found something out. It seems that NOTHING I do in alteration has any effect in the game when I don't edit using RTE (just on a comp, saving everything). This includes projectile mods and and even just making myself invincible. I'm fairly certain I've patched the game correctly as I have saved a working modded to my RGH hard drive that works fine.
  6. Support

    I just grabbed Assembly and opened up the .map file in it and viewed all the .mode files I changed the shaders of and they have saved over from alteration. Also, I am editing both the /fp_[model name] and the /[model name] files of each item. I am guessing that the models with the prefix "fp_" are the predicted shades you are talking about?
  7. Support

    I'm still very new to modding in Halo 3 so forgive me if I've made an obvious mistake but when I edit a map's shaders in alteration (non-RTE), they don't update. On Sandtrap I've been trying to change some weapons and some of the maps textures to have a golden shader using "objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\mp_odst_visor". I edit the shaders in alteration making sure I save after every action. I also created a new .map file so that I didn't have to temporarily overwrite the original Sandtrap. I used this 'tutorial':
  8. Modding

    Ah thanks Still new to this stuff....
  9. Modding

    Wait, doe Ascension work for Halo 3? How would I go about doing that in alteration.