Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About ptto911

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  1. Thanks for the tutorial! It helped me a lot.
  2. Support

    Is your root folder of the game exactly like this? $SystemUpdate (folder) bink (folder) maps (folder) waves (folder) AvatarAssetPack AvatarAwards default.xex nxeart waveshell-xbox.dll wavesLibDLL.dll
  3. Also, not everyone has JTAG console or a devkit, so not everyone gets to play it. Also, this forum isn't completely about modding, so there's no need for change now, because not everyone has it yet.
  4. Leave the beta forum until the official release, but make a Reach forum now, since the game has been leaked. You should add these subforums: a forge subforum, a gametype subforum (for firefight and custom games), a campaign forum, a general discussion subforum, and a subforum for modded content.
  5. I will be hosting a contest on remakes of classic Halo 1 maps. What you will do is forge a map of your choice (provided it's not taken yet) that was originally in Halo: Combat Evolved. Each map is allowed five entries (one per person). After that, no more entries for that particular map will be accepted. Currently I am the only judge. PM me if you want to help me judge. Reply to this post saying which map you are entering for, and you will be entered if it isn't full. Maps: Battle Creek (0/5) Sidewinder (0/5) Damnation (0/5) Rat Race (0/5) Prisoner (0/5) Hang 'Em High (0/5) Chill Out (0/5) Derelict (0/5) Boarding Action (0/5) Chiron TL-34 (0/5) Blood Gulch (0/5) Wizard (0/5) Longest (0/5) PC Maps: Death Island (0/5) Danger Canyon (0/5) Infinity (0/5) Timberland (0/5) Ice Fields (0/5) Gephyrophobia (0/5) The contest starts now! It will end on September 21.
  6. Come the release of Halo: Reach, with the new and improved Forge and the Forge World map, what will YOU be building in Forge? Speak your now possible dreams.
  7. Nice find Red. I don't think they pick the best one, I think they just think of many and choose from there. I haven't played any of Bungie's previous games, so I wouldn't know if any slogans that were in Halo 1 and the later Halo games.
  8. It will be the last made by Bungie, not the last Halo. 343 industries will make the next one.
  9. When I start my map on Halo 3, instead of playing, it will stay at the black screen in between starting and playing. I only edited the name and author. How do I fix this?
  10. General

    If you haven't heard about it, you are missing out. Halo Custom Edition is the ultimate Halo modding platform. It is basically the same as Halo for PC, except it has no campaign and you can create and play custom maps made by yourself and others online and on your own LAN network. The way you create maps is completely different from forge. You are making a map from scratch, so you use a variety of different programs, including 3DS Max, a modeling program. Keep in mind that it isn't free. You have to have a valid Halo PC CD key to play it, but you will not need an actual CD. Buy Halo PC online or in most places that sell PC games for $20. Here are some videos I made to get you started: How to install Halo Custom Edition Always read the description of the videos (more info) before asking anything. If you follow the instructions in the description, you will most likely have no problems. Here are some videos on how to make a map: This video is in a playlist, so after it finishes it will play the next part of the video, and it will keep doing so until the whole thing is done. Here's the official tutorial on how to make a map for Halo Custom Edition: Official HEK tutorial
  11. This topic is specifically for sharing Xfire usernames. I'll start off. My username is the same as it is almost everywhere on the internet: Ptto911
  12. Legendary. I get all the armor, plus I can sell the statue if I don't want it later for more than $150. It's the only way you get the armor (except eBay).