Every one knows That Xbox owns the online in money making, Nintendo They own the hanheld devlopment what can the Ps3 Do ? well this year they one biggest blu-ray player but you can buy one with out enjoying the gamees it comes with but buying a ps3 is nice for the blu-ray but after awhile its proven blu-ray gives you headacs for first 30 mins of playing then stopping admitly xbox you can play for hours and own like beast cause theres noobs every where but mostly on ps3.
Ps3 comes out with there newest console called the ps3 hands free ,not only you have 2 Glowing Dildo controllers in your hand it comes with glove to make look like a fucking molester .But the xbox 360 have some problems like the voice command ."xbox"shutdown ,"what don't Argue With me Dammit JOHNSON". No but seriously duo freakin glowing dildo's what will sony come up next.Xbox rules
Xbox IS graet Because of netflix ,but ps3 has netflix to but not as great you still have to put a disc in .
Ps3 No games :
Ps3 has there own titles but do not make enough like microsoft,and there ,halo ,gears of war, timeshift , left 4 dead ,and more
Pleae don't say you guys have metal gear solid first of all were getiiing the new one is Sony getting I don't think so .
Conclusion .
Ps3 Better Homwe Entertainment System but have Duo Dildo's ,Xbox better Games ,and better multiplayer experience ,but the xbox media player needs work on ,Oh and Nintendo owns Hanheld Company , But Wii is not getting any money unless they make a supersmashbros colessium that I would buy