Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ericam

  1. Hey if someone wants to help me with slink i join in.
  2. If they do that i would be soooo happppppyyyyyy
  3. Coolio
  4. Support

    Hey guys i am tring to start my RTELauncher.xex to do RTH but i cant get it to lauch it justm takes me back to my rgloader dash woops i meant to put Help with RTELauncher.xex
  5. Support

    Ive heard of xbdm but i have no idea what it is.. So what is it and how do i install it?
  6. This is your Brain And This is Your Brain on SKA!!!

  7. Hopefully I will make it.
  8. Modding

    The music is tearing my ear drums
  9. Halo 3

    So no injecting.
  10. LoL Derek told me about this. Its pretty funny
  11. General

  12. I need someone smart http://www.se7ensins...-devkit.699404/
  13. General

    Cool. I will. GT Fallout Zombii
  14. Modding

    I think it would be amazing. I don't care what you say. Even if it took 2 seconds I would love it!!!!
  15. General

  16. it gives me an error NVM
  17. General

    how do you have the game???
  18. General

    NVM you do
  19. General

    Hey dead did i ever mention how helpful you are??? Becasue your pretty damn helpful!!!! wait you dont have it.
  20. General

    does anyone have h3bunlock?
  21. Hey I modded my hard drive to work with xbox. But I cant figure out how to open and explore it on the computer. Can someone help me ive used Xplorer 360, Xport 360, modio 3, Modio 4, and USBXtaf. None of them let me open it. So is there a program that allows me to open it or is it impossible...
  22. K thanks
  23. jtag format
  24. Can i see i picture (Its not that i dont trust you its just i wantz a picture).