Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Noble Protocol

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About Noble Protocol

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  1. General

    I thought I'd ask here and this thing is free discussion and it says anything in the world so I can't get in trouble
  2. Modding

    @Everyone I believe even though the game does have a massive amount of HIGH END Security for there stuff people have been able to actually rip models from Halo 2/3 I've seen it, sure there are EMF Xtracters but hes talking about the actual models, I can see this being extremely hard but with a certain amount of time/ research we could actually probably get the models ripped off the game, if the gaming "Creators" Can do it why can't we? I know most of you are gonna be like "Cause we didn't make the damn game" or something and I am aware of that but if they can do it, then we can to it would just take a VERRRRRYYY long time like maybe years depending on how much people you had working on the program to do this "Model RIP" but like AMD said we should all do some research and come back to see if any of us have responded I know there is a way its just really flippin' hard.
  3. Support

    <p> Also how do I make the ending explosion of something bigger? And would you be interested in helping me with some stuff involving the jet pack??? lol i can do it myself but if you want I'm here also how do I make the shooting sound different without changing the actual effect?
  4. Support

    Hey LZ do you mind sending me this JPT! plugin or a link? I am unsure on where to find it
  5. Support

    So I am trying to make a weapon that shoots 3 really strong bullets and then is forced to reload, here is more of an example and a good picture hopefully. PLEASE LOOK AT THE TOP RIGHT OF THE PICTURE!! So the mods I need help with are. Changing the amount of rounds until reload. Changing the amount of damage the bullet does. (This one is in JPT!.asc but don't have a good one so if you do please help me!)
  6. .MAP

    maybe it was the prototype helmet they had on condemned when they made the trailer? idk any ideas?