Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About xXANTIxPoisonXx

  • Rank
    Poizon Modding
  • Birthday 03/04/1996

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Chicago, Illinois
  • Interests
    Xbox Modding, Programming, Computers, Halo

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  1. Waiting for my new RGH! Can't wait to get back into the mod scene!

  2. yo how did you get the maps to load everytime i try to go on halo 4 the maps wont load they say preparing and they don't load.
  3. Doesn't for me
  4. Like I said it is weird so that's why I am posting here. Do you think it is the game I am playing? Halo 3
  5. Well before I played with the ports it worked once then the next day it didn't so I decided to port forward and it still doesn't work. but like you said they maty be the ones with the problems.
  6. Hello guys I was trying to setup LiNK and I port forward and everything passes but when I go into a game and select system link using Xbox Guide it will stay loading but doesn't load picture below: EDIT: LiNK used to work and show up but then it stoped.
  7. Support

    NTSC Why? I have no clue on what you just said because I just got my jtag yesterday.
  8. Support

    You guys have great options I will try them I will let you know how it goes. Edit: No nothing worked.
  9. Support

    Okay so let me tell you guys what I am doing: I installed Halo Reach from the disk on my RGH and when I boot the game up on the disk or default.xex the maps will not load including the campaign maps. I tried to install using FSD and XeXMenu v1.1 but they don't work still. Then after failing I tried to play the game via the disk without it installed and it still doesn't load the maps or .map files anyways the only .map file that loads is the, but also another fact I can select the maps but the say Loading...0% all the time and it never changes. My disk is fine I have tested it on a retail and the maps load fine I also don't have title updates but can put those on easily. So what am I doing wrong? Please help. I just tried Halo 4 and it does the same thing except it says preparing game forever.
  10. Support

    Yes I have tries to follow it but all I did was freeze my RGH.
  11. Support

    I just learn better seeing it happen in front of me. So basically I am a hands on kind of person, which means I learn better when I do things or see things pictures are some how different to me.
  12. .MAP

    Nice Mod bro.
  13. .MAP

    Doesn't look like you are working very hard there Brian. LOL Ha Ha Ha
  14. Support

    Hello everyone I am new to this site and was searching around the web to find out how to do the flaming skull helmet. I have found tutorialz about it but I don't learn well with pictures and text. I do have a RGH and was wondering if anyone was willing to upload a video tutorial on this. I saw Doom17's video on youtube about the Hummingbird mod and wondered how to make my helmet a skull. I already have alteration and stuff I just need a tutorial along with the X Y and Z coordinates for the skull so I know were to place it on the head area. Skip to 1:00 into the video to see what I am talking about:
  15. Support

    Good Post!