Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Zerker24

  • Birthday 07/24/1994

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  1. Retail

    For ksoft, if you are using the bat files then all you need to is extract the files to a specific directory then put the variant file in the same folder. Then drag and drop the variant onto the bat file. If you are not using the bat files, but instead you are using the normal command prompt, then you need to make sure the cmd.exe is working in the ksoft folder, or you will get that exact error. There are two ways of doing this. You can either copy and paste cmd.exe into the ksoft folder, or you can do something like "cd c:/ksoft/" every time you want to use ksoft. when opening variant files in my program, by default it is looking for files with .game after it. There should be a drop down at the bottom that has "Game File (*.game)" or "Variant File." You will need to be on variant. This is because ksoft extracts its variant files with .game after them. You know you can just open the gamesave as a container right? even kosft allows that.
  2. Retail

    It should not matter where you put the folder. Did the program I linked to you work?
  3. Retail

    This is usually caused by not having the batch files in the same folder as ksoft, or not having all the required frameworks. Make sure you have .net frameworks 4.1 as well as the other requirements listed. Also, see if this will throw the same error. If it does, then you have the directory setup wrong, if not then you are missing a required framework.
  4. Z-Scriptor

    Version BETA v1.5


    I've been working on this editor for a while now, and I finally have a releasable version. This is basically a UI for ksoft, that you can use to code your own gametypes in Halo 4 and Halo Reach. Features: ScintillaNet text editor. Custom Themes through XML. Your editor can look how you want it to. Auto resigner. The only thing you need to make a gametype is this program and a usb explorer. ksoft integration. No need to use a CMD to export/import the gametypes. Z-Scriptor does this for you. Markers. Use CTRL + M to make a marker, then use View->Go To Marker to automatically go to whatever line of code you want. Tabs, you can open as many files as you wish.
  5. Updated. Added Tabs. You can now open more than one file at a time.Added in the ability to choose what switches it will use with ksoft.Some bug fixes.You can now customize the tabs and menu through the styles.
  6. C#

    Me too, I managed to find mine in case someone needs a winforms version. It's actually almost the same. public Bitmap OverlayImage(Bitmap original, Color color) { Bitmap source = new Bitmap(original); Bitmap rtnImage = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height); Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(rtnImage); for (int x = 0; x < source.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < source.Height; y++) { Color originalColor = source.GetPixel(x, y); if (originalColor.A > 0) { int r = (byte)((color.R + originalColor.R) / 2); int g = (byte)((color.G + originalColor.G) / 2); int b = (byte)((color.B + originalColor. / 2); Color fillColor = Color.FromArgb(originalColor.A, r, g, ; graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(fillColor), x, y, 1, 1); } } } return rtnImage; }
  7. Yes, I use ksoft like you normally would any other way, so unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that. Maybe nitrogen will support 4.0 so you can make gametypes. If/When it releases I will look into making a version with in. Sorry about that.
  8. I actually thought about that right after I posted the beta. V2 of the beta should be out soon with some new features. I will see about adding switches to that.
  9. This still uses ksoft, so you might still have issues with it. Sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that. I have never heard that ksoft does not support winXP though.
  10. Yeah, I just installed windows again and forgot to take the current .net version to 4.0. There is no reason why it should not run in .net 4.0. Sorry about that try this one
  11. C#

    I have written something similar in the past. Great job, This could be useful to someone that wants their icons color to change based on a theme.
  12. lol, I opened a random gametype for the pic.
  13. I've been working on this editor for a while now, and I finally have a testable version. This is basically a UI for ksoft, that you can use to code your own gametypes in Halo 4 and Halo Reach. Features: ScintillaNet text editor.Custom Themes through XML. Your editor can look how you want it to.|Auto resigner. The only thing you need to make a gametype is this program and a usb exlorer.ksoft integration. No need to use a CMD to export/import the gametypes. Z-Scriptor doe this for you.Markers. Use CTRL + M to make a marker, then use View->Go To Marker to automatically go to whatever line of code you want.This program is not finished yet, it still needs a lot of work, but it's getting there. Download
  14. Modding

    Why would it be activating on true then? It makes sense other than that.
  15. Modding

    It is only used in CTF. So it involves something unique to CTF. I just realized that CTF gives you a third weapon without dropping your current one. How? Maybe it enables the player to pickup that weapon as a third weapon? The bool could just be weather or not it was a success. CTF Seems to be the only gametype where the flag is not used as an object. Maybe it's something along the lines of weather or not the flag is attached to the player. This could be easy to test.