Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About xj9

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  1. .MAP

    Good point cheat, I'll probably just wait for automation then. I figured I'd ask though.
  2. .MAP

    I've attempted, and failed. I'm just asking that if someone has already done one, or is planning on doing one to please upload. If you aren't, thats fine, but someone may be willing to.
  3. .MAP

    I was wondering if someone wouldn't mind injecting some music into the h3 mainmenu for me. I'm not the best when it comes to this kinda stuff (I realize this) and was wondering if someone already has a premade one they wouldn't mind sharing, or possibly making me one (I'm thinking "Blow Me Away") Please let me know. Thanks!
  4. I'm trying to find Xerax's Cexpatcher tool, but every link I find is broken/dead... Does anyone have the tool?
  5. General

    You're referring to the multiplayer beta with zanzibar I believe. Its public, pretty much.
  6. General

    Oh the sorrow! NO! Hopefully 343 will add it as a bonus to the mcc. HOPEFULLY.
  7. General

    I figured, but still thought I'd ask anyways. I know it could have been just a pre rendered build, but you never know. I don't know why someone wouldn't release it though, its not like it would hurt. (unless you wanna seem like a big shot I suppose lol)
  8. IsoZone should have this, thats where I originally got them.
  9. General

    Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anybody happened to somehow have the Halo 2 E3 Campaign Demo/Beta... I've always wanted to play it, ever since I first saw it on my Halo CE extras back in the day. I know its kind of a stretch, considering I've never heard of anyone having it, but I figured I might as well ask since a lot of people have publicly released other rare demos/betas like Epsilon UPDATE: My bad, this should probably be in the Halo 2 section, if a mod could please move it that'd be awesome. Thank you.
  10. Support

    I don't expect many people to have this, but if you do and could upload it, or direct me to it, i'd appreciate it. All the links I can find are dead, and Its been so long since I've edited my main menu, I don't really want to mess with the values in Assembly. Sorry if this is the wrong section, I'm new to the forums.
  11. Is there a known way to change the music of the Halo 3 mainmenu?