Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About AltSierra117

  • Birthday 10/30/1992

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  1. I'm speechless... really! What I personally enjoyed the most of this campaign varies from art design, to character dialogue, weapon and vehicle sandbox, player engaging the enemy by land and air... The story is very simple to understand as the player fights against the Banished in order to save the UNSC personal trapped on Zeta Halo, to capture Cortana! But for new players who haven't played the game, story is well written and simple just telling a small resume about what happened on earlier Halo history at the near end of the game. I've done the campaign 4 times, first game-through was on Normal difficulty, collected every single audio log, searched for all ring clues as Forerunner broken rings, every skull, captured every FOB, killed every high value targets, collected all Spartan cores and Mjolnir armors, getting that 100% completion. Anyways, the best part ?! This game is well made... BUT It is yet to become more fluent as future DLC is to come. The untold story and ending credits is a big hint of what to come! Can't wait for that.
  2. It has nothing to do with game physics, it has to do with the grenade damage effect jpt! at instance " Instantaneous Acceleration" And of course the time to explode has to be edited to match the travel distance, something which can be tricky to do the maths.
  3. General

    Current Xenia build version 1.0.1754-d3d12 released on 29/01/2019 (DD/MM/YYYY) ======================================================================= Today I decided to give a try by implementing Forge World mode into my Campaign mod. It was very simple to do as I followed some tutorial provided here and by comparing side-by-side GameCheat's modded map so I could understand how it works. Multiplayer tags were needed to be used and extracted from MP maps and then imported to SP, such as "wgtz\ui\multiplayer" named as User Interface Globals Definition and "mulg\multiplayer\multiplayer_globals" named as Multiplayer Globals were used from GameCheat13's map over mine. For now I will not provide any downloaded link for it as it's a testing modification and I want to spawn basically weapons and vehicles, instead of regular grenade projectile swap. This is the best what the emulator can pull of thanks to Triang3l. It still crashes on certain parts of the game where it tries to render some assets. I'm still using my Halo 3 Campaign Mod which can be downloaded from here ============================================================================================================================================================================== Note: You can keep track of progress here and it may differ from my time and availability to continue such mod. Also since I do not own any recording device to show the footage from the X360, I had to use Xenia emulator. ============================================================================================================================================================================== ============================================================================================================================================================================== ** I've been trying to apply the same modification for other maps as well but I'm not having much success as the map crashes as soon as it loads. Might be due to current injected tags which are not supported for every map. This takes a lot of time to be fixed. And for that reason it might be the one why GameCheat didn't finished his forge mod, which requires time and patience to make everything working.
  4. Today I decided to give a try by implementing Forge World mode into my Campaign mod. It's very simple to do as I followed some tutorial provided here and by comparing side-by-side GameCheat's modded map. For now I will not provide any downloaded link for it as it's a testing modification and I want to spawn basically weapons and vehicles, instead of regular grenade projectile swap. You can see the progress here
  5. General

    There you go. Open any map you want, make those changes and have fun! Open in new tab to enlarge.
  6. D77-HA (Heavy Attack) Pelican, with double homing rocket pods on each wing. Open In New Tab to enlarge.
  7. You have two options, edit the sniper bullet damage Or Edit the vehicle health
  8. Du iu laik pinat culladah!

  9. Modding

    Well it actually works. What I was doing was poking values into the game, which didn't changed anything until the game reloads the shaders and textures. Best way to make it work is to save the changes and replace the map over the Xbox HDD.
  10. Modding

    You mean these RGB numbers here ? The only thing they do is to how the texture appears on the weapon. It doesn't change the colors of the texture. Or either way i'm doing it wrong! Which may happen.
  11. Modding

    The number plates being displayed on the DMR is actually a texture, not a normal colored number. To use the Beta colors you'd need to extract the texture from the actual beta game build and then import it to the current game release. In order to do it, i'd recommend you to use Assembly.
  12. General

    Thanks for the heads up. I recently updated/uploaded the files to the main shared folder and for some unknown reason the same folder's link got changed. It's all fixed now.
  13. General

    Yes the spartan model cannot die from damage. I edited that to stay always On. If you want to disable it and you know how to use Assembly, do this:
  14. Glad to see this up-coming game for Windows 10, also I like how 343 brought back part of Halo 3 OST sound track, at least the intro as we all know so far. Seems to me that the campaign will be actually taking place on the Halo ring, which is cool ! I have noticed that 343 is using some assets from previous Halo builds, like the Halo 4 warthog jeep, the Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary marine models, not to mention the Battle rifle was being carried by them as well or was the assault rifle model... ?! They even use the pelican's cockpit model from the Halo 2. What really took my attention was the wild life that was cut from the original Halo build for Xbox but was futured on the Halo Mac World and the E3 reveal, before M$ bought Bungie. I'm really looking forward into this new-gen game engine being used/developed by 343.