Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About connorlawd

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  1. Have you made sure to set your resource cache in Assembly first? It should look like this: Try doing that then extracting and injecting?
  2. General

    You can only do it with a modded xbox. Connect it to your local network and note down its IP address. Open up Assembly and go to TOOLS > Settings > Xbox 360 Development and plug in your Xbox's IP. Close the tab, start up your game and load into a map/mission. Then in Assembly open up a local copy of the map, make changes and press POKE for them to be changed in real time. Be careful though, there's only so much you can do because a lot of things will freeze the console.
  3. Other

    You need to give more details in exactly how it is not working..
  4. Halopedia is better.
  5. Support

    I always copy over my map when injecting something or adding anything new. Then poke later.
  6. Support

    Poking works fine for me, it's in that way I spawn the hunter. Poking the Magnum projectile to the hunter.
  7. Support

    To be fair I've tried the exact same without luck.
  8. Can you write properly? The Xbox One won't be modded for a long time.
  9. .MAP

    If it doesn't appear then you are using an outdated assembly build or you have broken your build.
  10. .MAP

    If you would read his link, you would see in 9.1 it tells you about the map editor tab in settings and that at the bottom is where you will find the resource cache box, in that you select the game copy the path of the folder where your,, etc is into the box
  11. Would that be the branch that was last updated a year ago or am I missing something.
  12. Well if you won't try to do things for yourself why should you expect others to do things for you?
  13. Sometimes I wonder how people can find a forum like this if they can't even use google to find the answer they want.
  14. General

    Vauxhall Corsa 2005 1.2 Twinport (First Car, Scotland) Current Mods: None Future Mods: Possibly a Z20LET conversion I'm far too lazy and tired after work to bother doing anything with it the now, plus I can't save money for shit.