Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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SWQ Minna

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About SWQ Minna

  • Birthday 04/20/1998

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  • Interests
    Anime, Games, more Anime, even more Anime, cute things, food
  1. Don't send me emails, I don't read them

    1. OrangeMohawk


      should i send a hand-written letter instead?

    2. Thunder


      @OrangeMohawk, it obviously needs to be delivered by horse.

    3. Thunder


      @SWQ, I will assume you are talking about notification emails. Those are sent automatically but you can adjust the settings yourself.

  2. Is it possible to mod things for/on an xbox 360, without it being Jtag'd? A few people have told me to try Horizon, which I can't seem to figure out how to use (other than getting gamerpics en masse) Does Horizon actually let you mod and Are there any other things modding-related that unmodified consoled can do or use?
  3. General

    English is the only language I can speak and read fluently
  4. General

    Where would be the best place(s) to go if one wanted to begin learning the basics of coding >mfw I see coding or scripts
  5. Does JTAGing a console break the region lock thing?
  6. I've looked into it before and didn't really understand the instructions Any reliable/cheap (both if possible) places one could purchase a usable JTAG'd console? Ebay seems to either have cheap JTAGable consoles or JTAG'd ones that cost hundreds of dollars, and some of us can't afford that. Also bids. I hate bids on most of the sights i've been to for instructions, they've said that JTAGing can cost about 5$, or less if you already have parts, which leads me to assume some place must sell JTAG'd xbox 360 consoles cheaper than 300$
  7. Just gonna lurk for now... Don't mind me
  8. Retail

    This in particular. I have no idea what any of that means. How do I learn how to read that? and what would I do with it?
  9. How should I go about learning to mod. I mean, I was told there are people amazing people here, and with time and dedication I could be taught a lot. Is there anybody in particular who can (and is willing to) teach me the basics? I was also told to avoid Caboose
  10. I've been interested in modding for a few years, but have little-to-no knowledge on how to mod or read code or whatever. I'm here because I want to learn.