Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About SethWeeks

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  1. Halo 3

    It won't work sohow does it work.
  2. .MAP

    Thanks man I love when people say they have mods to download and they do i hate when they are.
  3. .MAP

    fix the link you muffin bag
  4. Support

    ive wondered that too
  5. General

    nice that looks hard to aim
  6. Reach

    that is what i need im new to moding so sometime can someone send me s massege to make mods for myself and i will publish them and have them for download. :thumbsu:
  7. .MAP

    that would be really hard to drive like driving a jeep not truck
  8. Support

    you can put the the file in a flash drive than look for the mod move it out save then if that didnt work then keep taking the mods out until it does then you can put the mods that worked back into the game then just play :lock: :lock:
  9. i love the video and the way it takes to get on the ship
  10. its not real its the halo fest trailer but its the closest ive ever seen better than the first one i saw it was the last video on halo legends.
  11. That was awsome.
  12. Modding

  13. nice but why not have for download
  14. .MAP

    Its hover hog 2.0