Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Chrisan8er

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  1. Halo: CE

    I think he's talking about Halo: CE. (Since it is in the "Halo: Combat Evolved" section) It is possible on Halo: Custom Edition (PC). There's tutorials all over the internet on how to use some of Sapiens features.
  2. Nothing special. But its something.
  3. Okay, that's pretty cool. Wish it would work on all weapons.
  4. Does it work?
  5. General

    I smell a dirty troll.
  6. General

    I think you're on the wrong forum. You seem like you don't know what you're doing either. If you're really are interested in modding Halo, then look through the forums. (There are tons of tutorials on here.) Other than that, who sells custom gamerpics?
  7. Modding

    No problem. Glad to help.
  8. .:: Forge Strings Fixed (Halo 4 Beta) ::. By ChrisAn8er Fixes some missing strings in Forge. I nulled out a couple of things because it gave an error and froze my xbox. I can't get the warthogs or the mongooses to spawn either. EDIT: I want to point out that I didn't fix all the strings. Just some. UPDATE - 9/9/2015: Finished adding the missing strings to Adrift. Enjoy Mod Information:Mod Name: Forge Strings Fixed (Halo 4 Beta)Creator: ChrisAn8erPatch Download: DownloadVideo:
  9. So much love, Zedd.
  10. Support

    Why don't you just extract them from the DLC container?
  11. General

    Well the last time I heard, there was an .xex that basically fixed the menu. I would like to have the working menu instead. If that's possible.
  12. General

    YES!!! lol
  13. General

    It would be appreciated if someone could make it. (I will assist as much as I can)
  14. General

    Wouldn't the plugin be similar to the retail build? Well close to it at least.