Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About XxXDarkSoul25XxX

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  1. Has a guide been created yet on injecting local tags?
  2. You can't really call out people for being "c***s" and idiotic for asking a question towards an employee. Some people don't know anything about mods and whatnot, no reason to get upset. However, you could get annoyed at angel/whoever at 343 banning you for a campaign mod, affecting nobody. But it is against the Terms of Use, so even then. Anyways, cool stuff yo. Still don't understand why they took it out.
  3. Modding

    Nowise is a pretty amazing Halo modder. Better then all of you saps no doubt
  4. That is the mainmenu map, which has a pelican on it because of the campaign lobby area. Inwhich I would love to know how to still do this
  5. .MAP

    Alrighty this wait for a tutorial going to take like weeks. Ill take like a cheap quickie tutorial if you don't really want to go in depth at the moment. Or is their a way to see a list of whats local to the shared or
  6. .MAP

    Awesome tutorial. Glad after years its finally been done. 1: I successfully got a brute helmet onto Forgeworld, but I wanted to try something else so I did the GRD Doll from The installation 04 Firefight map, and did everything exactly the same, when I tried to load the map, it gave me a "disc unreadable" message. Then i tried a coffee cup from 20_courtyard, same map as the brute helmet. I got a disc unreadable message again. 2: I then tried a bugger from m70, and gave it a reflection test animation in the hlmt and such, but the game crashes when I tried to spawn it, so I removed its animation and tried ti again, but now it was invisible and I couldnt see the model. So is their any help I could get? Does it have something to do with the object names? As for the coffee cup, it has the name of "crouch:pistol:turn_left_fast" which seems odd? Anyways, any help would be awesome.
  7. *insert generic comment acting like I don't understand modding*
  8. Support

    I have a request: How do I do load objects in campaign in Halo 4.
  9. I feel like weapons need to be designed to incorporate "ADS", and Halos weapons just wouldn't allow it to be effective, or even "good looking" to use.
  10. ........ Hold X to save Halo from its harsh learning curve. Side view of your newly picked up talent. A glimpse into the world of fixing Halo. Bullet magnetism increased 75% Now possible to get sick air, with Hydraulics. Gives the jump height you never knew you wanted Halo. Its just getting started.
  11. Modding

    What if the pictures are actually real, but they want us to think its a joke because its april fools.
  12. Other

    Congratulations guys
  13. General

    Watched the game with my family, and ate alot of food. It was a good time.
  14. Support

    Cant you just change the date on your xbox then save the gametype