Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About gearbox280

  • Birthday 06/13/1995

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  1. has any one made any mods for the new saints row yet? i know there's a trainer out on xbox360iso but its not that good. it has mods that the game comes with anyway.
  2. Anniversary

    does the FPS thing make the game look any better?
  3. Video

    you should add some sort of mods. clearly not stupid ones but things people would like it might show people what xboxchaos community is like
  4. any one like dupstep? cuz this is an awesome dubstep song
  5. Ai?

    if you want something like that your better of going to s7ensinse and go to the halo 2 mod downloads
  6. Graphics

    i added a few more tweaks to the first image.
  7. Graphics

    i made 2 different types. you might not be able to tell the difference with the first. they where rushed so I wont be offended if you don't like them.
  8. Graphics

    you should try and make some tutorials because you're pretty good with photoshop
  9. General

    i miss that theme lol.
  10. General

    the metro light had too much white in it and it strained my eyes after a while
  11. yeah that did come to mind. but they only manipulate characters at the moment. that's why it came to my mind and if you look at the room they are searching at the beginning of the episode every gun in there haven't been edited at all.
  12. I was watching the new Red vs Blue episode 15 and it got to the part where that tanked up guy walks into the room with the flame thrower and it made me think that it could be a new look from the halo 3 one for halo: cea or halo 4. I've been watching RvB for years now and this is the first time they have used a gun with a new look. so unless they are just making their own things now or they are trying to tell us something. the flame thrower wasn't in halo reach but it was introduced to halo when Halo:ce came out for pc. so i think that they could be bringing a updated looking one for halo: cea. what do you think?
  13. Graphics

    brandon rubery if you can. cuz people will know it was made for me then but if thats too long do something like B.Rubery please
  14. Graphics

    here is one I did a while back
  15. Graphics

    dam that's good. can you do one with my name in